humane-test-output copied to clipboard
Warnings for using private vars (ClojureScript)
Using [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.439"]
will produce lot of warning about private vars:
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/level-exceeded is not public at line 12 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public at line 12 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-length* is not public at line 12 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public at line 12 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-length* is not public at line 12 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public at line 12 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/start-block is not public at line 12 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/end-block is not public at line 12 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/level-exceeded is not public at line 24 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public at line 24 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-length* is not public at line 24 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public at line 24 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-length* is not public at line 24 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public at line 24 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/start-block is not public at line 24 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
WARNING: var: cljs.pprint/end-block is not public at line 24 target/out/pjstadig/util.cljc
Yep, ClojureScript has become stricter but these warnings are unavoidable because the lib is using hidden APIs from cljs.pprint
warnings could be probably removed by using var indirection as described here: (I intend to give it a try some time after current pr gets merged).
I've merged and released version 0.10.0.
@pjstadig thanks for looking into this. Unfortunately, I'm still seeing the same issue with 0.10.0
[Figwheel] Validating figwheel-main.edn
[Figwheel] figwheel-main.edn is valid \(ツ)/
[Figwheel] Compiling build common:test to "target/public/719998b2-df4b-4b86-9793-3f821d281369/js/app.js"
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:12 column:3
var: cljs.pprint/level-exceeded is not public
7 [pjstadig.print :as p]
8 [cljs.test :refer [inc-report-counter! testing-vars-str testing-contexts-str get-current-env]]]))
9 #?(:cljs (:import [goog.string StringBuffer])))
11 (defn- print-seq [aseq]
12 (pp/pprint-logical-block
13 (pp/write-out (ffirst aseq))
14 (p/rprint " ")
15 (pp/pprint-newline :linear)
16 ;; [pjs] this is kind of ugly, but it is a private var :(
17 ;; always print both parts of the [k v] pair
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:12 column:3
var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public
7 [pjstadig.print :as p]
8 [cljs.test :refer [inc-report-counter! testing-vars-str testing-contexts-str get-current-env]]]))
9 #?(:cljs (:import [goog.string StringBuffer])))
11 (defn- print-seq [aseq]
12 (pp/pprint-logical-block
13 (pp/write-out (ffirst aseq))
14 (p/rprint " ")
15 (pp/pprint-newline :linear)
16 ;; [pjs] this is kind of ugly, but it is a private var :(
17 ;; always print both parts of the [k v] pair
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:12 column:3
var: cljs.pprint/*current-length* is not public
7 [pjstadig.print :as p]
8 [cljs.test :refer [inc-report-counter! testing-vars-str testing-contexts-str get-current-env]]]))
9 #?(:cljs (:import [goog.string StringBuffer])))
11 (defn- print-seq [aseq]
12 (pp/pprint-logical-block
13 (pp/write-out (ffirst aseq))
14 (p/rprint " ")
15 (pp/pprint-newline :linear)
16 ;; [pjs] this is kind of ugly, but it is a private var :(
17 ;; always print both parts of the [k v] pair
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:12 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/*current-length* is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:12 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:12 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/start-block is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:12 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/end-block is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:12 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/level-exceeded is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:24 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:24 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/*current-length* is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:24 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:24 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/*current-length* is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:24 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/*current-level* is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:24 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/start-block is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:24 column:3
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning: var: cljs.pprint/end-block is not public target/public/cljs-out/common:test/pjstadig/util.cljc line:24 column:3
From figwheel.main's deps.edn
pjstadig/humane-test-output {:mvn/version "0.10.0"}
@pesterhazy I don't think that warnings were removed yet. It waits till somebody sends PR :)