VINS-Fusion-gpu copied to clipboard
double free or corruption (out)
When I run vins_node I get the following error.
[ INFO] [1585575375.775787111]: init begins config_file: ./euroc_mono_imu_config.yaml USE_IMU: 1 IMU_TOPIC: /imu0 result path /home/tony-ws1/output//vio.csv [ WARN] [1585575375.785138318]: Optimize extrinsic param around initial guess! double free or corruption (out) Aborted (core dumped)
Compute: TX2 Ubuntu 18.04 Jetpack 4.2 OpenCV 3.4.1
I first installed OpenCV using and ran into the issue above. I thought the issue might be an incompatibility with the OpenCV build, so I removed OpenCV and installed it with but still had the same issue.
I only have this issue with VINS-Fusion-gpu. VINS-Fusion runs.
Hi @Dominic101 , Please try this steps vins_funsion_gpu_tx2
@roboticsengineer93 , Thanks! Great documentation. That helps out a lot. My TX2 is tied up with another project right now, but I'll give it a try once it's free.
I met the same problem. Have you solved the issue? Thank you for your help!
Dellaldd, a colleague of mine had the same issue on a TX2 and it was resolved by following the steps from arjunskumar. It didn't solve the issue for me, but I ended up switching to other projects and haven't tried to get it working in a long time.
I am having the same problem too. Has anyone tried to fix this issue?