ring.middleware.logger copied to clipboard
CompilerException when starting up, probably from a dependency of ring.middleware.logger
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: Syntax error macroexpanding clojure.core/ns at (onelog/core.clj:1:1).
Has the same issue! Clojure 1.10.1
Found a way out
https://github.com/pjlegato/onelog has fixed the macro expansion issues with :import
in ns definition in version 0.5.1
but that has not been published to clojars yet for some reason.
So, you can fork https://github.com/pjlegato/onelog master, run a local lein install
and use that in your project references
[ring.middleware.logger "0.5.0" :exclusions [onelog]]
[onelog "0.5.1"]
Hope it helps
Just figured there is [onelog "0.5.0"]
which is available on clojars with the fix