PlantUML copied to clipboard
[Feature request] Support for @start(wbs|mindmap|...) tags
For example:
<uml ext="wbs">
render to
empty or unsupported ext equals to "uml"
function wrap_formula($PlantUML_Source, $ext = null) {
if ($ext === null) {
$ext = 'uml';
$string = "@start$ext\n";
// Allow ditaa and graphviz first-line directives and accents (french, ..)
// $string .= preg_replace("/^\r?\n/", "", utf8_decode($PlantUML_Source), 1) . "\n";
$string .= "@end$ext";
return $string;
function renderPlantUML($PlantUML_Source, $imgFile, $dirname, $filename_prefix, $ext = null) {
global $plantumlJar, $plantumlImagetype;
$PlantUML_document = wrap_formula($PlantUML_Source, $ext);
// create temporary uml text file
$umlFile = $dirname."/".$filename_prefix.".uml";
$fp = fopen($umlFile,"wb");
$w = fputs($fp,mb_convert_encoding($PlantUML_document,'UTF-8'));
// Lauch PlantUML
if ($plantumlImagetype == 'svg') {
$typestr = ' -tsvg';
} else {
$typestr = '';
$command = "java -jar ".$plantumlJar.
"{$typestr} -charset UTF-8 -o \"{$dirname}\" \"{$umlFile}\"";
$status_code = exec($command);
// Delete temporary uml text file
// unlink($umlFile);
// Only return existing path names.
if (is_file($imgFile)) {
return $imgFile;
return false;
function getImage($PlantUML_Source, $argv, $parser=null) {
global $plantumlImagetype;
global $usecloud;
// Compute hash
$title_hash = md5(getPageTitle($parser));
$formula_hash = md5($PlantUML_Source);
$filename_prefix = 'uml-'.$title_hash."-".$formula_hash;
$dirname = getUploadDirectory();
$full_path_prefix = $dirname."/".$filename_prefix;
$result = array(
'mapid' => $formula_hash, 'src' => false, 'map' => '', 'file' => ''
$imgFile = $dirname."/".$filename_prefix.".$plantumlImagetype";
$mapFile = $dirname."/".$filename_prefix.".map";
// Check cache. When found, reuse it. When not, generate image.
// Honor the redraw tag as found in <uml redraw>
if (is_file($imgFile) and is_file($mapFile) and !array_key_exists('redraw', $argv) ) {
$result['file'] = $imgFile;
$result['mapfile'] = $mapFile;
} else {
if ($usecloud) {
$result['file'] = renderPlantUML_cloud($PlantUML_Source, $imgFile);
$result['mapfile'] = renderPlantUML_cloud_map($PlantUML_Source, $mapFile);
} else {
$ext = 'uml';
if (isset($argv['ext'])) {
$ext = $argv['ext'];
$result['file'] = renderPlantUML($PlantUML_Source, $imgFile, $dirname, $filename_prefix, $ext);
// do we have a mapfile?
if (isset($result['mapfile'])) {
if (is_file($result['mapfile'])) {
// map file is temporary data - read it and delete it.
$fp = fopen($result['mapfile'],'r');
$image_map_data = fread($fp, filesize($result['mapfile']));
// Replace generic ids with unique ids: first two ".." fields.
$result['map'] = preg_replace('/"[^"]*"/', "\"{$result['mapid']}\"", $image_map_data, 2);
if ($result['file']) {
$result['src'] = getUploadPath()."/".basename($result['file']);
if ((!$usecloud) && $plantumlImagetype == 'png') {
$map_filename = $full_path_prefix.".cmapx";
if (is_file($map_filename)) {
// map file is temporary data - read it and delete it.
$fp = fopen($map_filename,'r');
$image_map_data = fread($fp, filesize($map_filename));
// Replace generic ids with unique ids: first two ".." fields.
$result['map'] = preg_replace('/"[^"]*"/', "\"{$result['mapid']}\"", $image_map_data, 2);
return $result;