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Settings.cgi and Output Folder for server-only use
There doesn't seem to be any obvious way in a server-only installation to get to Settings.cgi; a link somewhere or some text on the help page suggesting to append Settings.cgi to the URL of the localhost server might be useful. I suspect most people going through the process of installing the server will figure that out, but it would mean one less thing to look for when setting up Diogenes with the TLG/PHI files (which has to be done through Settings.cgi).
Also, the # links with onclick="XMLPathSelect()" on the TEI Export page lead to splash.js.105 XMLPathSelect() which requires electron, so server-only users won't be able to export TEI.
I have assumed that expert users will edit the config file to set the location of the databases. The instructions for that were unclear, so a little while ago, I added this information to the "Install" page of the site.
I removed the link to Settings.cgi when I added it as a menu item in the Electron interface. I've added a to-do item to detect if a user is not using Electron and to add a link to the splash page in that case. That should not be too hard to do when I get the time.
I'll add a setting for the XML export path to Settings.cgi. And I might see if I can cleanly remove that link when not running under electron.
I would have assumed that most expert users would run the xml-export.pl script at the command-line, as it offers lots more options.