narrative coherence ay? A bold move. I must find out more about this gpt-2, also loving the Scrittura Industriale Collettiva
Spent a very pleasant halloween with the fat moon outside and my children abed, listening to Dan Shiffman teach me of the ways of Markov chains. https://editor.p5js.org/pjfpotter/sketches/RGs2pdK8r I know have...
Actually wrote an outline and about ten thousand words for a cyberwitch Academy novel this year, but life beat the bejaysus out of me and it got shelved. Perhaps it...
Thinking about story grid and the fifteen obligatory scenes. Maybe generate a whole load of scene outlines using Kate Compton's tracery. https://storygrid.com/15-most-important-scenes/ https://github.com/galaxykate/tracery
Must acknowledge Sadie Plant and her book Zeros and Ones for inspiring the idea of cyberwitches. https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Zeros_+_Ones.html?id=AEi0AAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y
So I was somewhat surprised to find that the p5.js web editor could not handle full length novels as input for my markov generator. Is there any way I can...
I'm blown away by the generosity of your answer. It's helpful to hear you think it through out loud so to speak. My code is only a dozen lines long...
I've been really ill but I'm back in the room. Thanks so much for your help people. I found this: https://github.com/shiffman/A2Z-F16/tree/gh-pages/week7-markov/05_markov_mixer And Shiffman here has solved the problem of clogging...
AAAAAAHHHH!!!! I FINISHED IT!!!!!! https://github.com/pjfpotter/CyberWitchAcademy In the end all I did was feed in 20,000 words of my unfinished cyber witch novel and use RiTa to spit out an enormous...