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Warlock manual workshop & building files don't exist.

Open PaulMaynard opened this issue 11 years ago • 7 comments

The warlock manual pages for workshops link to nonexistent files for the building and reaction files.

PaulMaynard avatar Feb 24 '14 00:02 PaulMaynard

Ooh! Did I see that you had fixes for this?

I'd love to see all the manuals switched over to markdown format, like has been done for the orc fortress manual, because it makes them dead easy to edit. But I know we'll want to run that past Meph first. :)

If you don't have fixes for this, then I can probably do something. Splicing and cutting files is definitely one of my superpowers. :)

pjf avatar Mar 13 '14 14:03 pjf

No fixes for this, but i could probably do it. The ones I have are for some of the image sizes in the Dwarf manual. Also, should I resize the 1x1 deco buildings to actual size, or seave them at 32x32. Also, how do you tag issues? And about the switching to markdown: Does markdown support tables? There are a lot of them in the dwarf manual. It might be easiest to use some sort of html to markdown converter.

Edit: GFM does:

First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell

That is what you're using, right?

PaulMaynard avatar Mar 13 '14 19:03 PaulMaynard

Craftsdwarf - Back to top


Build labor Skill Buildmat Dimension Requirements
Any Crafting Any Crafting 1 Boulder 3x3 None
Building is Hardcoded reaction_craftsdwarf.txt

A big amount of new reactions can be done here. You can extract new kinds of metal strands from metals bars, enabling silver, golden, mithril or orichalcum clothing. You can craft single instruments or crafts from boulders, random instruments or toys from boulders, make rope from leather, make candles from tallow or wax. Illumination, like braziers, candelabras and fireplaces can be created from rock boulders.

The crafts section for bone and shell contain all armor items you can usually produce, and you can separate bone-stacks into single bones. The wooden and rock crafts now include hilts, which are needed for weapon production, as well as smoking pipes. Wooden wagons are used in the expedition system to send your own caravans.

Dye, Blood, Graphite and Ash can be made into ink. You require 3 pots to fill when doing this. Quills can be produced from feathers. Ink and quills are used in the Scriptorium and Printing Press.

With enough feathers and a bed, you can make a feathered mattress on a bed, a prized trade-good and high-value item for your dwarves.

Use wicker or hay and a shirt to make Scarecrows. Scarecrows can't fight or move, but are good to reveal ambushes. Pasture them around your fort for early detection and to scare away curious animals.

PaulMaynard avatar Mar 13 '14 20:03 PaulMaynard

Only problem is I can't find any way to link to parts of the page. Edit: It looks like it auto-generates anchors, at least on the wiki.

PaulMaynard avatar Mar 13 '14 20:03 PaulMaynard

I found this: Looks like it can convert from GFM to HTML & back, and a bunch of other formats.

PaulMaynard avatar Mar 13 '14 23:03 PaulMaynard

For the Orc Fortress Manual I'm using standard markdown as opposed to GFM. We're doing tables as standard HTML, since markdown leaves that alone. The reason for using vanilla markdown rather than GFM was because I could do it quickly using tools I already had installed, rather than any sort of design decision.

Here's the code that does the conversion. Because gollum is git underneath, my tools are able to simply pull down the repo, run the conversion, do a little post-processing, and commit into MWDF-SWP.

Although I think we really do want to check with Meph before converting any of his docs (Dwarves and Warlocks in particular) to be based upon Markdown; it'd be awful if they started getting updated in two different ways, as then we'd lose edits. (I would be doing this check now, but I seem to be swamped with client work today.)

Also, you totally rock, in case I haven't reminded you of that recently. :)

pjf avatar Mar 14 '14 02:03 pjf

That was just a test, i copypasted and wrote that by hand, but it should be somewhat easy to convert them using some tool, right? And I think Meph said something about being away.

PaulMaynard avatar Mar 14 '14 13:03 PaulMaynard