quick-explorer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
quick-explorer copied to clipboard

Support "Icon Folder" plugin

Open AiurArtanis opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments



folder with an icon shows in default file explorer like this: image

and shows in Quick Explorer like this: image


OS: win 10 Ob: v0.13.33 Quick Explorer: 0.1.14


hope for your reply 😁

AiurArtanis avatar Mar 17 '22 06:03 AiurArtanis

Technically, this sounds like something the Icon Folder plugin would have to add to QE, not the other way around. If they need me to add an event or something they can use to integrate, I can do that.

In practice though, as discussed in issue #14, you can use CSS rules to style folders according to their path, and that may be a viable route for the Icon Folder plugin to use, or you can personally set up a CSS snippet instead.

pjeby avatar Mar 17 '22 07:03 pjeby

this sounds like something the Icon Folder plugin would have to add to QE

got it, and i commit an issue related on Icon Folder #46

AiurArtanis avatar Mar 17 '22 08:03 AiurArtanis

I've updated that issue with some info on how the author can support this. Since there's nothing that can be done on this end I'm going ahead and closing this issue; if the other author needs help they can reply to me via the issue on the icon folder plugin.

pjeby avatar Sep 25 '22 03:09 pjeby