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[Feature Request] QE + Starred (Core Plugin)

Open FelipeRearden opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Hello @pjeby !

First of all, I just wanna thank you for this spetacular plug-in. For a keyboard lover, QE is the heaven and I don't know how to work without QE anymore!

  • I'm not an english native speaker. Sorry if I made some grammar/vocabulary mistake. Let me know if something is not clear.

My Feature Request is very simple: add an option to include Starred Plugin Files inside QE

My Workflow

For multiple projects that I'm working now, I like to use Starred to have quick access to these notes without changing my "complex" folder structure.(Would be a dream if we could star folders as well)

If I have this feature in QE in finally can get rid of File Explorer and work 100% with the keyboard 🙏


If you allow me, I have two ideas for this feature:

Idea 1

  • A star icon on left side of QE;
  • Command Palette dedicated command: Quick Explorer: Browse Starred Files;

Idea 2

  • A new first line in the vault breadcrumb. Using my image as a reference, the new line for Starred Files could be placed above DailyNotes folder Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 09 29 07

  • Command Palette dedicated command: Quick Explorer: Browse Starred Files

I hope you like my suggestion.

I wish you a fantastic day and thank for your time!

FelipeRearden avatar Sep 23 '21 12:09 FelipeRearden

My eventual plans are for QE to support browsing by tags, headings, and forward/back links; I imagine adding support for stars would be quite possible as well at that point, though I don't have a clear idea of how that would work. For example, would it just be a flat list of all the starred files, or the standard folder browsing, just only showing starred notes and folders containing them? I'm guessing that for your use case you probably want the flat list.

Ultimately, I expect I will offer an API for other plugins to integrate with QE, to allow pulling up custom file lists, to support use cases like that, rather than building every possible file set or list into QE. Making an example one to support stars would then be helpful to show how other plugins can do similar things, so that's probably how it'll go.

(Not sure how long it'll be till any of that happens, though, QE is a hobby/non-paying project at the moment.)

pjeby avatar Sep 23 '21 18:09 pjeby


Thank you very much for sharing your long term plans for QE. I’m excited to see what this amazing plugin could be in the future!

  • The QE API is a fantastic idea and a great path to interact with other plugins.

You are right, my actual case is just the flat list.

  • I hope one day Starred plugin supports Folders as well.

Thank you for considering QE+Starred as a pilot project for the QE API in a possible future.

  • I 100% agree with you. We have to prioritize paying projects and hobby projects when we have some spare time.

Feel free to close this FR and opens when is the best time for you in the future!

Thanks for your reply and thanks again for this amazing plugin (I think I like QE soo much because everything works and your attention to details that gives me the certainty that you really cares about the user experience).

Have a great day. It was a pleasure talking with you.

FelipeRearden avatar Sep 23 '21 18:09 FelipeRearden

You can take a look at the breadcrumbs, it seems to be able to achieve some of your purposes, (custom hierarchy, folder function is performed on md), It provides a new way of thinking about folders, Hope that helps,

red-co avatar Jan 22 '22 06:01 red-co

You can take a look at the breadcrumbs, it seems to be able to achieve some of your purposes, (custom hierarchy, folder function is performed on md),

It provides a new way of thinking about folders,

Hope that helps,

Thanks for your help, let me explain why my FR has a meaning that is different from your suggestion.

  • I use Breadcrumbs and almost all plugins from the fantastic SkepticMystic. It’s fantastic.

An integration between the fantastic QE and other plug-in like Starred and Recent Files follows the axiom of this FR: keep things simple and dynamic.

A- 100% keyboard navigation B- The user don’t have to edit change notes. just Mark as favorite (starred noted changes weekly/monthly). It’s an dynamic C- no more modals in the center of the screen D- one less item to put into the sidebars

Thanks for you suggestion but I am gonna wait for QE API to be able to achieve this in the future.

FelipeRearden avatar Jan 22 '22 12:01 FelipeRearden


For me, the flat list of starred files is more desirable.

Randy-Astle avatar Apr 05 '22 19:04 Randy-Astle