PJ Eby

Results 222 comments of PJ Eby

This is why attaching a copy of a new vault that reproduces the problem is needed -- there are obviously way too many things that *could* be causing the problem...

Ok, the good news is that I am now able to reproduce the behavior that if you hover with a partially-visible ordered list (from your test list 2 file) in...

Just to confirm: the behavior you're experiencing is that the scroll position jerks upward by a few lines in the document, correct? That is the only thing I could get...

Right, my point was that the issue is related to workspace layout changes and happens *with or without Hover Editor enabled* -- so not something we can fix. You would...

Based on your description, it's not just an interaction with another plugin, but an interaction with the *order* of the plugins. When you enable and disable plugins, they get moved...

A quick code search of Map View doesn't show it doing the same problematic stuff as Leaflet, so it's not the *same* issue at least.

Well, all the features are in the command list, basically, apart from the behavior of the nav arrows (if you have tab headers turned on). So if every command works,...

I don't think plugins get that info directly, but then I'm not doing any mobile development currently. Let me know if any of the features that are mobile-relevant don't work...

Yes. The sherlocking thing is *enormously* exaggerated and I would appreciate people not spreading that misinformation. The only thing I'm aware that they added to Obsidian core was the hotkey/config...