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Better mod_perl and options documentation
I can't seem to get started with Devel-Cover under mod_perl 2.0.4 and perl 5.10.1. I even switched from win32 to CentOS 6.5 (64-bit) with Devel-Cover in mind :)
So, just following exactly what the docs in Devel::Cover 1.0.8 say, I put 'use Devel::Cover' in the <Perl> section of my httpd.conf (this functions as my startup script.) When I start httpd, I get some command-line output:
Starting httpd: Devel::Cover 1.08: Collecting coverage data for branch, condition, statement, subroutine and time. Pod coverage is unavailable. Please install Pod::Coverage from CPAN. Collecting under mod_perl/2.0.4 Selecting packages matching: Ignoring packages matching: /Devel/Cover[./] Ignoring packages in: /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl Devel::Cover: Writing coverage database to /pathtomyapp/config/cover_db/runs/1390485929.5668.48243
File stmt bran cond sub time total
...ite/lib/MyModule/ 71.6 0.0 0.0 88.9 100.0 66.7 Total 71.6 0.0 0.0 88.9 100.0 66.7
I then make use of my app via web browser, shut down the web server, and run cover (after chmodding its output directory so I can write to it.) Even though the cover db file (as I can see if I cat it) has references to my module and to httpd.conf, the html output doesn't even include that, instead listing no files whatsoever.
- How do I get the cover db to cover the rest of my code that should have been covered via web hits?
- How do I get cover to include all files that it did actually cover in its HTML output?
If we could answer these two questions I think it'd be helpful to include them in the documentation. To me it is not clear what format to use to pass options when using mod_perl (especially when mod_perl leaves an empty %ENV) and whether to select all files I should be passing that info to Devel::Cover or to 'cover' on the command line or both.
For example, if I put
$ENV{DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS} = '-dir,/home/srv/cover/,-db,/home/srv/cover/cover_db';
...just before 'use Devel::Cover', it doesn't change where it stores the cover db, like I would expect it to.
Ran into the same issue, ended up adding to the apache config something like
PerlSwitches -MDevel::Cover=-silent,1,-db,/home/username/cover_db
But I never got to the bottom of what was going on.
OK, this works, in the sense that it does redirect the output elsewhere.
However, it still only includes and does not seem to add anything else as I browse around, even after I stop the httpd service.
(Tested with Devel-Cover 1.20, Perl 5.10.1 on CentOS 6.5 64-bit, with mod_perl 2.0.4.)
Oh, and I guess the fact that it includes in the HTML output is also an improvement. :) But not quite enough to actually check my app...
What triggers it to dump the file immediately, I wonder?
I tried each of these option groups and the result did not change:
StartServers 8 MinSpareServers 5 MaxSpareServers 20 ServerLimit 50 MaxClients 50 MaxRequestsPerChild 4000
StartServers 1 MinSpareServers 1 MaxSpareServers 1 ServerLimit 1 MaxClients 1 MaxRequestsPerChild 4000
Also with
MaxClients 1
MaxRequestsPerChild 0 suggested for NYTProf.
I tried starting the server with -X, and using PerlSwitches plain outside of a <Perl> block and near the start (before LoadModule mod_perl even) of my conf. It does something interesting: the first output is normal, showing ErrorLogging, dumping the cover_db and exiting. But it is followed by I'm assuming the first child process, which then stays running, not showing ErrorLogging or dumping the cover_db.
At this point things seemed promising, so I do some tests here, but whether I Ctrl+C the running process, or open a new terminal and "sudo service httpd stop", I get the same result: "Segmentation fault" and no dump. Maybe there's a way to trigger a dump before server shutdown?
In fact, there is, of I made a script containing just this:
use Devel::Cover;
...and called it via http, and it did in fact write cover_db. Then I shut down (which segfaulted again),, just ErrorLogging in there still.
However, I did notice that the write statement points to something that did not get output:
Devel::Cover: Writing coverage database to /home/srv/cover/cover_db/runs/1437817755.39607.36239
There is no such dir under 'runs', unlike the one that the parent output, which got created just fine.
Success! The problem was, I suppose since I start the httpd server with sudo, that the cover_db and runs dirs get created as root:root. When I chmod 777'd those dirs (even while running) and had it output before shutdown, it did just fine, with all my modules! (It still segfaulted on shutdown, but I can live with that for now.)