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Use VRM on Three.js


@pixiv/three-vrm on npm

Use VRM on three.js


GitHub Repository



⏭️ v1.0.0-beta ⏭️

We are developing three-vrm v1.0 which supports VRM 1.0-beta specification.

The beta preview of three-vrm v1.0 is released on npm. It's almost stable but interfaces are still subject to change.

@pixiv/three-vrm@next on npm

npm install three-vrm@next

Check Releases for the latest release of v1.0.0-beta.

We are working on the branch 1.0. You should see the on that branch before use.

We are planning to prepare a migration guide from v0 to v1 but it's not done yet. Sorry!

We appreciate your feedback!


from HTML

You will need:

Code like this:

<script src="three.js"></script>
<script src="GLTFLoader.js"></script>
<script src="three-vrm.js"></script>

const scene = new THREE.Scene();

const loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader();

	// URL of the VRM you want to load

	// called when the resource is loaded
	( gltf ) => {

		// generate a VRM instance from gltf
		THREE.VRM.from( gltf ).then( ( vrm ) => {

			// add the loaded vrm to the scene
			scene.add( vrm.scene );

			// deal with vrm features
			console.log( vrm );

		} );


	// called while loading is progressing
	( progress ) => console.log( 'Loading model...', 100.0 * ( progress.loaded / ), '%' ),

	// called when loading has errors
	( error ) => console.error( error )


via npm

Install three and @pixiv/three-vrm :

npm install three @pixiv/three-vrm

Code like this:

import * as THREE from 'three';
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader';
import { VRM } from '@pixiv/three-vrm';

const scene = new THREE.Scene();

const loader = new GLTFLoader();

	// URL of the VRM you want to load

	// called when the resource is loaded
	( gltf ) => {

		// generate a VRM instance from gltf
		VRM.from( gltf ).then( ( vrm ) => {

			// add the loaded vrm to the scene
			scene.add( vrm.scene );

			// deal with vrm features
			console.log( vrm );

		} );


	// called while loading is progressing
	( progress ) => console.log( 'Loading model...', 100.0 * ( progress.loaded / ), '%' ),

	// called when loading has errors
	( error ) => console.error( error )


