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Should container projection respect sorting?
If I have a 2d projected container with 2 sprites inside, when the plane is "flipped" should i see child sprites in a reverse order?
an application can be a container containing 2 sprites inside in the same positon, representing the 2 faces of a card. container |----- face1 : z=0 |----- face2 : z=1
when i "flip" the container i should see "face1" instead of "face2"?
no, you need to write face detection for that - the vector cross product of axises will show which one is up :)
Pixi doesn't have cull_face and cull_back yet.
Btw, I'm working on that 3d thing again, I hope it'll be ready this weekend, and you'll be able to use my face detection :)
ty @ivanpopelyshev!
@ivanpkpelyshev what is the condition that i should use in order to detect which face is visible?
sign of cross-product of axises you put it.
in case of multiple containers chain - same, but look at two first columns of the resulting world transform inside projection component.
xAxis should be containerSprite.proj.matrix.mat3[0,1,2] y axis containerSprite.proj.matrix.mat3[3,4,5] right?
i have tried this but doesnt seems to be correct var a = containerSprite.proj.matrix.mat3 Math.sign((a[1]-a[0])(a[5]-a[3]))-((a[4]-a[3])(a[2]-a[0]));
do you have a stack of containers or just one? no, just a[0] * a[4] - a[1] * a[3]
, cross-product on 2d plane , and maybe multply by signs of 2 and 5
just one for now
like that?
Math.sign(a[0] * a[4] - a[1] * a[3]) * Math.sign(a[2]) * Math.sign(a[5])
Yes. Does it work for you?
nope try this examply and play with the red squares
var app = new PIXI.Application(800, 600, {backgroundColor: 0x1099bb});
var w = app.screen.width/2, h = app.screen.height/2;
function createSquare(x, y) {
var square = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE);
square.tint = 0xff0000;
square.factor = 1;
square.position.set(x, y);
return square;
var squares = [
createSquare(w-150, h-150),
createSquare(w+150, h-150),
createSquare(w+150, h+150),
createSquare(w-150, h+150)
var quad = squares.map(function(s) { return s.position });
//add sprite itself
var containerSprite = new PIXI.projection.Sprite2d(new PIXI.Texture.fromImage('required/assets/SceneRotate.jpg'));
squares.forEach(function(s) { app.stage.addChild(s); });
// Listen for animate update
app.ticker.add(function (delta) {
var a = containerSprite.proj.matrix.mat3;
console.log(Math.sign(a[0] * a[4] - a[1] * a[3]) * Math.sign(a[2]) * Math.sign(a[5]));
containerSprite.proj.mapSprite(containerSprite, quad);
squares.forEach(function(s) { addInteraction(s); });
// let us add sprite to make it more funny
var bunny = new PIXI.projection.Sprite2d(new PIXI.Texture.fromImage('required/assets/flowerTop.png'));
function toggle(obj) {
function snap(obj) {
if (obj == bunny) {
} else {
obj.position.x = Math.min(Math.max(obj.position.x, 0), app.screen.width);
obj.position.y = Math.min(Math.max(obj.position.y, 0), app.screen.height);
function addInteraction(obj) {
obj.interactive = true;
.on('pointerdown', onDragStart)
.on('pointerup', onDragEnd)
.on('pointerupoutside', onDragEnd)
.on('pointermove', onDragMove);
function onDragStart(event) {
var obj = event.currentTarget;
obj.dragData = event.data;
obj.dragging = 1;
obj.dragPointerStart = event.data.getLocalPosition(obj.parent);
obj.dragObjStart = new PIXI.Point();
obj.dragGlobalStart = new PIXI.Point();
function onDragEnd(event) {
var obj = event.currentTarget;
if (obj.dragging == 1) {
} else {
obj.dragging = 0;
obj.dragData = null;
// set the interaction data to null
function onDragMove(event) {
var obj = event.currentTarget;
if (!obj.dragging) return;
var data = obj.dragData; // it can be different pointer!
if (obj.dragging == 1) {
// click or drag?
if (Math.abs(data.global.x - obj.dragGlobalStart.x) +
Math.abs(data.global.y - obj.dragGlobalStart.y) >= 3) {
obj.dragging = 2;
if (obj.dragging == 2) {
var dragPointerEnd = data.getLocalPosition(obj.parent);
obj.dragObjStart.x + (dragPointerEnd.x - obj.dragPointerStart.x),
obj.dragObjStart.y + (dragPointerEnd.y - obj.dragPointerStart.y)
I suppose to see -1 always when the rabbit ok t-shirt logo is flipped and 1 when is in the right side
Thank you! I'll look at it tomorrow :)
Hi @ivanpopelyshev any news about this?
Testing it right now. It doesnt work, im sick, i dont know what to do. Any ideas?
I'm sure that at a[2]=0 a[5]=0 its behaving bwrong, so i dont know how to add them to equation
Ok, i'm stupid.; That one works
Math.sign(a[0] * a[4] - a[1] * a[3]) * Math.sign(a[8])
Thabk you man! I will try it tomorrow
Question what does a[8] represent?
i guess that's a coefficient for whole matrix that we can divide everything on it. When I take vector (dx,0,1) and multiply by matrix, i get dx * (a[0] , a[1], a[2]) + (a[6], a[7], a[8])
, and we have to divide everything by dx * a[2] + a[5]
to make actual 2d vector. I take dx infinite small and it leaves only (a[0], a[1]) / a[8]
. That's why a[8] sign is important.
@lucap86 important update: 0.2.1 version is released, it has 3d transforms and isFrontFace
method for them :) https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-projection/blob/master/src/proj3d/Container3d.ts#L14
Hi @ivanpopelyshev great news!!! thank you for the update
just a question. you have provided the method to convert a supported object to 2d/3d
why not also toCamera3d?
Because camera3d does not have corresponding element in pixi. Why do you need it?
Ok but what if i already have a pixi container that i want to convert in a camera3d?
In the end a camera3d is an enhanced pixi3d container
write your own conversion method. assign all the properties for camera (far, near, focus), add projection, put certain values in projection
or create camera3d based on that container and move all the children there