pixi-compressed-textures copied to clipboard
pixi-compressed-textures TypeScript Definition
Is it possible to get somewhere, somehow typescript definition to pixi-compressed-texuters (d.ts)? Maybe someone already made it? Thanks for your attention. I’m looking forward to your reply.
It has to be small, there are only a few methods. DIY.
declare module PIXI.compressedTextures {
detectExtensions(renderer: WebGLRenderer): Array[string];
I got this error => Property 'before' does not exist on type 'Loader'. How we are supposed to override d.ts file from PIXI.js?
In pixi.js 4.5.3 loader has option pre, I use it to extensionChooser.
My whole d.ts file look like this:
declare module PIXI.compressedTextures { function detectExtensions(renderer: WebGLRenderer): Array<string>; function extensionChooser(extension: any):any; function imageParser():any; }
and it was enough for me
haaaaaaaaaa okkkkk I was thinking compressedTexture extends PIXI.js loader ^^. Thx you @SirMaxeN !
However in my case it's not enough In a more strict way we need:
declare module PIXI.compressedTextures { function extensionChooser(ext: string[]): Function; function detectExtensions(renderer: WebGLRenderer | CanvasRenderer): string[]; function imageParser(): Function; }