I have the same issue. When I try to publish an extension I get the error "Internal Server Error". ``` webpack 5.74.0 compiled successfully in 967 ms DONE Packaged: /var/folders/_m/wsh575rn09l3_tzrx6jjwvtc0000gp/T/tmp-70545-urZAIx9dlWTM-.vsix...
> @pixelkind We need take a look at the logs. Can you try again and post the time you saw the error? I tried it yesterday multiple times with the...
Thanks, sure. Will have a look at it 😃 .
Thanks for the example @timmb, I will have a look at it.
Probably it's because I haven't implemented `loadShader` to use the right path 🤔
Hej @barbarerik, Do you have some example code for me? If you don't use any setup function the canvas will have automatically the full width and height. If you want...
I have thought about that already, but had no good solution for the UI. Do you have any idea for that? Dropdown of the available files and _automatic_ to select?
I will add this as a todo. Currently there is no way, sorry.
Hej @kimthienlang, Can you upload the example you are having problems with? Best regards, Garrit
Hej, Can you post the full code? It looks like a bug, but I would like to confirm it. Thanks :)