Tom Roshko
Tom Roshko
Hi Reberto, I guess it's not available because I didn't know how to do it :) but maybe you can help figure this out. The basic thing here is that...
That's a first-timer! My guess is that Graphviz fonts are somehow missing in your installation / OS. What OS are you on? How did you install Graphviz? Can you try...
This is really bad for production because the service stays with a low capacity. Please fix.
Strange. * In addition to the `diagram.png` cdk-dia created a `` file. would you mind posting it here? * How did you install Graphviz and which OS do you run...
Nice idea @vinarius.
Hi Sven, ## What is happening here? For this purpose we'll say that CDK-Dia works in two stages: A. Create a Dot language graph representation of the infrastructure (99% of...
I find visual diff very interesting. I guess this isn't trivial due to the lack of "plugin-ability" in AWS-CDK. I guess one would first have to investigate, how CDK produces...
Hi @sholtomaud, It's not currently possible :( - Workaround: latest versions added an additional renderer (Cytoscape). with this renderer you get a dynamic HTML so you can manually move the...
Before `cdk-dia` calls `makeUniqueId` it checks, that the components array isn't empty (`if (pathParts.length === 0) return false`). Therefore, I guess [this line]( ) filters the component, creating an empty...
CDK-Dia currently renders using Graphviz It should be possible to style border there. The diagrming logic currently looks at a Security group as a resource and not as clustering object...