dashbars icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dashbars copied to clipboard

A modern helper library

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A modern helper library. Much inspired by dash.el and s.el, f.el, handlebars-helpers.

Dashbars that is a helper collection be able to easily combined with built-in helpers:

{{-take 5 (-drop 3 (-range 0 10))}} // [3,4,5,6,7]
{{-slice (-range 0 10) 0 5}} // [0,1,2,3,4]

{{#each (-take 5 (-drop 3 (-range 0 10)))}} // [3,4,5,6,7]

{{#if (-lt? 3 myVar)}} // 3 < myVar

You can try this on trydashbars.

Install & Usage



A free CDN is available at jsDelivr. Advanced usage, such as version aliasing & concocting, is available.


$ npm install --save dashbars


$ bower install --save dashbars


var handlebars = require('handlebars');

<script src="path/to/lodash.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/moment.js"></script> <!-- for 'd-' helpers -->
<script src="path/to/handlebars"></script>
<script src="path/to/dashbars"></script>


To use multiple instances, dashbars support all them:

var handlebars1 = require('handlebars').create();
var handlebars2 = require('handlebars').create();

<script src="path/to/lodash.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/moment.js"></script> <!-- for 'd-' helpers -->
<script src="path/to/handlebars"></script>
<script src="path/to/dashbars"></script>

    var handlebars1 = Handlebars.create();
    var handlebars2 = Handlebars.create();


In the browser, you make sure dependencies required, which are lodash and momentjs. Dashbars depends on them. You must load them before using Dashbars. but If you do not use date(d-xxx) helpers, you can drop momentjs.


Common predicate

Functions return boolean. The name of predicate should end with question mark(?).

Basically, You can use the predicate helper to combine with build-in block helpers(if, unless, each):

{{#if (-lt? 3 4)}}

{{#if (-string? 'my string')}}

You can chain helpers:

{{#if (-not? (-gt? 3 4))}}

There are common predicates for object:

  • -is? (o)
  • -and? (...)
  • -or? (...)
  • -not? (boolean)
  • -gt? (left, right)
  • -lt? (left, right)
  • -ge? (left, right)
  • -le? (left, right)
  • -ne? (left, right)
  • -equal? (left, right)
  • -deep-equal? (left, right)
  • -in? (prop, o)
  • -has? (prop, o)
  • -empty? (o)
  • -not-empty? (o)
  • -string? (o)
  • -array? (o)


List and Dictionary are abstract term. List demonstrates Array and Set of ES6, somethings which are iterable like list. Dictionary demonstrates plain JavaScript Object and Map of ES6, something which are key-value data structure.

As of now, dashbars tested and supports ES5 only so that List is Array and Dictionary is plain Object.


Functions take a list return new list.

All functions which you need are also helper. You should register your helper. And then you can use the name of your helper:

Handlebars.registerHelper('-as-is', function(o){
    return o;
{{-json (-map '-as-is' (-range 0 5))}} // [0,1,2,3,4]

Predicates are the same:

Handlebars.registerHelper('n-even?', function(n){
    return n % 2 === 0;
{{-json (-take-while 'n-even?' (-range 0 5))}} // [0]
  • -map (fn, list)
  • -sort (list, compare)
  • -take (n, list)
  • -drop (n, list)
  • -filter (pred, list)
  • -take-while (pred, list)
  • -drop-while (pred, list)
  • -slice (list, begin, end)
  • -flatten (list)
  • -deep-flatten (list)


Functions construct new JavaScript object.

  • -array (...)
  • -range (from, to, step)
  • -object (json)


Functions reducing lists into single value.

  • -size (list)
  • -find (pred, list)
  • -reduce (fn, initial, list)
  • -first (list)
  • -last (list)
  • -join (list, sep)
  • -sum (list)
  • -product (list)
  • -min (list)
  • -max (list)


Functions partitioning the input list into multiple lists.

  • -group-by (fn, list)


Functions transforming the input list into a list of lists for easy iteration.

  • -grouped (size, list)


  • -every? (pred, list)
  • -some? (pred, list)
  • -none? (pred, list)
  • -contain? (item, list)

Set operation:

Operations pretending lists are sets.

  • -union (...)
  • -difference (...)
  • -intersection (...)
  • -distinct (list)


Operations on dictionaries.

  • -get (key, dict)
  • -keys (dict)
  • -values (dict)


  • -json (o)


Combinational functions, a bit experimental:

  • -as-is (o)
  • -partial (fn, ...)
  • -call (fn, ...)

Side Effects:

  • -let (name, value)
  • -log (...)



  • n-even? (n)
  • n-odd? (n)


  • n-add (left, right)
  • n-subtract (left, right)
  • n-multiply (left, right)
  • n-divide (left, right)


  • s-size (s)
  • s-trim (s)
  • s-take (n, s)
  • s-drop (n, s)
  • s-repeat (n, s)
  • s-concat (...)
  • s-split (sep, s)
  • s-slice (s, from, to)
  • s-reverse (s)
  • s-replace (old, new, s, regOpts)
  • s-match (regex, s, regOpts)
  • s-lowercase (s)
  • s-uppercase (s)


  • s-lowercase? (s)
  • s-uppercase? (s)
  • s-match? (regex, s, regOpts)
  • s-contain? (needle, s, ignoreCase)
  • s-start-with? (prefix, s, ignoreCase)
  • s-end-with? (suffix, s, ignoreCase)

Files, Paths, IOs

These helpers with files supports only for node.


  • f-slash (path)
  • f-join (...)
  • f-split (path)
  • f-dirname (path)
  • f-basename (path, ext)
  • f-extname (path)
  • f-drop-extname (path)
  • f-relative (...)


  • f-read-text (path, encoding)


Date helpers are developed on momentjs. See the documentation for more details.

  • d-iso (d)
  • d-format (format, d)
  • d-now ()
  • d-date (format, d)
  • d-add (n, unit, d)
  • d-subtract (n, unit, d)


Functions and Helpers

Template Data:

    funct0: function(){},
    funct1: function(){ return 1;},
    objec0: {},
    objec01: {},
    objec1: {key:'value'},
    objec11: {key:'value'},
    objec2: {
    array0: [],
    array1: [1],
    truee0: true,
    false0: false,
    strin0: '',
    strin1: 'string',
    numbe0: 0,
    numbe1: 1

Common Predicates

-is? (o)

Function returns false when o is falsey value, otherwise returns true.

{{-is? false}} // => false
{{-is? null}} // => false
{{-is? undefined}} // => false
{{-is? 0}} // => false
{{-is? ''}} // => false

{{-is? true}} // => true
{{-is? 'undefined'}} // => true
{{-is? 1}} // => true

{{-is? false0}} // => false
{{-is? strin0}} // => false
{{-is? numbe0}} // => false

{{-is? truee0}} // => true
{{-is? funct0}} // => true
{{-is? objec0}} // => true
{{-is? array0}} // => true
{{-is? strin1}} // => true
-and? (...)
{{-and? true false}} // => false
{{-and? true true}} // => true
{{-and? true true 0}} // => false
{{-and? true true 1}} // => true
-or? (...)
{{-or? true false}} // => true
{{-or? false false}} // => false
{{-or? false false 0}} // => false
{{-or? false false 1}} // => true
-not? (boolean)
{{-not? true}} // => false
{{-not? false}} // => true
{{-not? 0}} // => true
{{-not? 1}} // => false
-gt? (left, right)
{{-gt? 1 2}} // => false
{{-gt? 2 2}} // => false
{{-gt? 2 1}} // => true
{{-gt? 'a' 'b'}} // => false
{{-gt? 'a' 'a'}} // => false
{{-gt? 'b' 'a'}} // => true
-lt? (left, right)
{{-lt? 1 2}} // => true
{{-lt? 2 2}} // => false
{{-lt? 2 1}} // => false
{{-lt? 'a' 'b'}} // => true
{{-lt? 'a' 'a'}} // => false
{{-lt? 'b' 'a'}} // => false
-ge? (left, right)
{{-ge? 1 2}} // => false
{{-ge? 2 2}} // => true
{{-ge? 2 1}} // => true
{{-ge? 'a' 'b'}} // => false
{{-ge? 'a' 'a'}} // => true
{{-ge? 'b' 'a'}} // => true
-le? (left, right)
{{-le? 1 2}} // => true
{{-le? 2 2}} // => true
{{-le? 2 1}} // => false
{{-le? 'a' 'b'}} // => true
{{-le? 'a' 'a'}} // => true
{{-le? 'b' 'a'}} // => false
-ne? (left, right)
{{-ne? 1 2}} // => true
{{-ne? 2 2}} // => false
{{-ne? 'a' 'b'}} // => true
{{-ne? 'a' 'a'}} // => false
-equal? (left, right)

equals strictly(===)

{{-equal? objec0 objec0}} // => true
{{-equal? objec0 objec01}} // => false
-deep-equal? (left, right)
{{-deep-equal? objec1 objec1}} // => true
{{-deep-equal? objec1 objec11}} // => true
{{-equal? objec1 objec11}} // => false
-in? (prop, o)
{{-in? 'objec1' this}} // => true
{{-in? 'not' this}} // => false
-has? (prop, o)


{{-has? 'objec1' this}} // => true
{{-has? 'not' this} // => false
-empty? (o)
{{-empty? false}} // => true
{{-empty? null}} // => true
{{-empty? undefined}} // => true
{{-empty? 0}} // => true
{{-empty? ''}} // => true

{{-empty? true}} // => true
{{-empty? 'undefined'}} // => false
{{-empty? 1}} // => true

{{-empty? false0}} // => true
{{-empty? strin0}} // => true
{{-empty? numbe0}} // => true

{{-empty? truee0}} // => true
{{-empty? funct0}} // => true
{{-empty? funct1}} // => true
{{-empty? objec0}} // => true
{{-empty? objec1}} // => false
{{-empty? array0}} // => true
{{-empty? array1}} // => false
{{-empty? strin1}} // => false
-not-empty? (o)

-not-empty? equals {{-not? (-empty something)}}.

{{-not-empty? false}} // => false
-string? (o)
{{-string? false}} // => false
{{-string? 'true'}} // => true
{{-string? ''}} // => true
-array? (o)
{{-array? false}} // => false
{{-array? array0}} // => true
{{-array? array1}} // => true


-map (fn, list)
{{-map 'n-even?' (-range 0 5)}} // => [true,false,true,false,true]
-sort (list, compare)
{{-sort (-range 0 5) '-lt?'}} // => [4,3,2,1,0]
-take (n, list)
{{-take 3 (-range 0 5)}} // => [0,1,2]
-drop (n, list)
{{-drop 3 (-range 0 5)}} // => [3,4]
-filter (pred, list)
{{-filter 'n-even?' (-range 0 5)}} // => [0,2,4]
-take-while (pred, list)
{{-take-while 'n-even?' (-range 0 5)}} // => [0]
-drop-while (pred, list)
{{-drop-while 'n-even?' (-range 0 5)}} // => [1,2,3,4]
-slice (list, begin, end)
{{-slice (-range 0 5) 0 3}} // => false
-flatten (list)
//[[[0,1,2], [0,1,2]],[0,1,2]]
{{-flatten (-array (-array (-range 0 3) (-range 0 3)) (-range 0 3))}} // => [[0,1,2],[0,1,2],0,1,2]
-deep-flatten (list)
//[[[0,1,2], [0,1,2]],[0,1,2]]
{{-json (-deep-flatten (-array (-array (-range 0 3) (-range 0 3)) (-range 0 3)))}} // => [0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2]


-array (...)
{{-array (-array (-range 0 3) (-range 0 3)) (-range 0 3)}} // => [[[0,1,2], [0,1,2]],[0,1,2]]
-range (from, to, step)
{{-range 0 3}} // => [0,1,2]
-object (json)
{{{-json (-object '{"key":"value"}')}}} // => {"key":"value"}


-size (list)
{{-size (-range 0 3)}} // => 3
-find (pred, list)
{{-find 'n-odd?' (-range 2 5)}} // => 3
-reduce (fn, initial, list)
{{-reduce 'n-add' 0 (-range 0 10)}} // => 45
-first (list)
{{-first (-range 3 10)}} // => 3
-last (list)
{{-last (-range 3 10)}} // => 9
-join (list, sep)
{{-join (-range 0 5) '-'}} // => 0-1-2-3-4
-sum (list)
{{-sum (-range 0 5)}} // => 10
-product (list)
{{-product (-range 1 5)}} // => 24
-min (list)
{{-min (-range 0 5)}} // => 0
-max (list)
{{-max (-range 0 5)}} // => 4


-group-by (fn, list)
{{{-json (-group-by 'n-even?' (-range 0 5))}}} // => {"true":[0,2,4],"false":[1,3]}


-grouped (size, list)
{{{-json (-grouped 2 (-range 0 5))}}} // => [[0,1],[2,3],[4]]


-every? (pred, list)
{{-every? 'n-even?' (-range 0 5)}} // => false
{{-every? 'n-even?' (-array 0 2 4 6)}} // => true
{{-every? 'n-even?' (-array 1 3 5)}} // => false
{{-every? 'n-even?' (-array)}} // => true
-some? (pred, list)
{{-some? 'n-even?' (-range 0 5)}} // => true
{{-some? 'n-even?' (-array 0 2 4 6)}} // => true
{{-some? 'n-even?' (-array 1 3 5)}} // => false
{{-some? 'n-even?' (-array)}} // => false
-none? (pred, list)
{{-none? 'n-even?' (-range 0 5)}} // => false
{{-none? 'n-even?' (-array 0 2 4 6)}} // => false
{{-none? 'n-even?' (-array 1 3 5)}} // => true
{{-none? 'n-even?' (-array)}} // => false
-contain? (item, list)
{{-contain? 0 (-range 1 5)}} // => false
{{-contain? 1 (-range 1 5)}} // => true

Set operation:

-union (...)
{{-union (-range 0 5) (-range 0 5)}} // => [0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4]
-difference (...)
{{-difference (-range 0 5) (-range 3 8)}} // => [0,1,2]
-intersection (...)
{{-intersection (-range 0 5) (-range 3 8)}} // => [3,4]
-distinct (list)
{{-distinct (-array 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5)}} // => [0,1,2,3,4,5]


sample data:

objec2 = {
-get (key, dict)
{{-get 'key' objec2}} // => "value"
-keys (dict)
{{-keys objec2}} // => ["key", "key2"]
-values (dict)
{{-values objec2}} // => ["value","value2"]


-json (o)
{{{-json (-range 0 5)}}} // => [1,2,3,4,5]
{{{-json objec2}}} // => {"key":"value","key2":"value2"}


-as-is (o)
{{{-as-is (-range 0 5)}}} // => [1,2,3,4,5]

{{{-map '-as-is' (-range 0 5)}}} // => // => [1,2,3,4,5]

{{{-group-by '-as-is' (-range 0 5)}}} // => // => {"0":[0],"1":[1],"2":[2],"3":[3],"4":[4]}
-partial (fn, ...)

A function returns a partially applied function. You can chain other functions.

{{-filter (-partial '-gt?' 3) (-range 0 5)}} // => [0,1,2]
-call (fn, ...)

-call calls a function at once.

{{{-call (-partial '-gt?' 3) 2}}} // => true

Side Effects:

-let (name, value)

You can define data in current context of Template Data. It is simple concept, this[name] = value. It returns an empty string('').

{{{-let 'name' true}}} // => ''
-log (...)

You can log on console. It is simple concept, console.log(...). It returns an empty string('').

{{{-log 'my log'}}} // => ''



n-even? (n)
{{{n-even? 0}}} // => true
{{{n-even? 1}}} // => false
n-odd? (n)
{{{n-odd? 1}}} // => true
{{{n-odd? 2}}} // => false


n-add (left, right)
{{{n-add 10 5}}} // => 15
n-subtract (left, right)
{{{n-subtract 10 5}}} // => 5
n-multiply (left, right)
{{{n-multiply 2 5}}} // => 10
n-divide (left, right)
{{{n-divide 10 2}}} // => 5


s-size (s)
{{{s-size 'string'}}} // => 6
s-trim (s)
{{{s-trim ' string '}}} // => 'string'
s-take (n, s)
{{{s-take 2 'string'}}} // => 'st'
s-drop (n, s)
{{{s-drop 2 'string'}}} // => 'ring'
s-repeat (n, s)
{{{s-repeat 2 'string'}}} // => 'stringstring'
s-concat (...)
{{{s-concat 'st' 'ri' 'ng'}}} // => 'string'
s-split (sep, s)
{{{s-split ',' 's,t,r,i,n,g'}}} // => ['s','t','r','i','n','g']
s-slice (s, from, to)
{{{s-slice 'string' 1 4}}} // => 'tri'
{{{s-slice 'string' 1}}} // => 'tring'
{{{s-slice 'string'}}} // => 'string'
{{{s-slice 'string' 0 -1}}} // => 'strin'
s-reverse (s)
{{{s-reverse 'string'}}} // => 'gnirts'
s-replace (old, new, s, regOpts)
{{{s-replace 'str' 'int' 'string string STRING'}}} // => "inting string STRING"
{{{s-replace 'str' 'int' 'string string STRING' 'g'}}} // => "inting inting STRING"
{{{s-replace 'str' 'int' 'string string STRING' 'gi'}}} // => "inting inting intING"
s-match (regex, s, regOpts)
{{{s-match 's.+?i' 'string string STRING'}}} // => ["stri"]
{{{s-match 's.+?i' 'string string STRING' 'g'}}} // => ["stri","stri"]
{{{s-match 's.+?i' 'string string STRING' 'gi'}}} // => ["stri","stri","STRI"]
{{{s-match 'si' 'string string STRING' 'gi')}}} // => []
s-lowercase (s)
{{{s-lowercase 'STRing'}}} // => 'string'
s-uppercase (s)
{{{s-uppercase 'STRing'}}} // => 'STRING'


s-lowercase? (s)
{{{s-lowercase? 'STRING'}}} // => false
{{{s-lowercase? 'STRing'}}} // => false
{{{s-lowercase? 'string'}}} // => true
s-uppercase? (s)
{{{s-uppercase? 'STRING'}}} // => true
{{{s-uppercase? 'STRing'}}} // => false
{{{s-uppercase? 'string'}}} // => false
s-match? (regex, s, regOpts)
{{{s-match? '.*r' 'string'}}} // => true
{{{s-match? 'g.*r' 'string'}}} // => false
s-contain? (needle, s, ignoreCase)
{{{s-contain? 'str' 'string'}}} // => true
{{{s-contain? 'gnitrs' 'string'}}} // => false
s-start-with? (prefix, s, ignoreCase)
{{{s-start-with? 'str' 'string'}}} // => true
{{{s-start-with? 'tri' 'string'}}} // => false
s-end-with? (suffix, s, ignoreCase)
{{{s-end-with? 'ing' 'string'}}} // => true
{{{s-end-with? 'rin' 'string'}}} // => false

Files, Paths, IOs

You can use these helpers in server-side only, which require node's library.


f-slash (path)

You can easily ensure to end with slash(/).

{{{f-slash 'path/to'}}} // => "path/to/"
{{{f-slash 'path/to/'}}} // => "path/to/"
f-join (...)
{{{f-join '/path/' '/to/' 'filename.ext' }}} // => "/path/to/filename.ext"
f-split (path)
{{{f-split '/path//to/filename.ext/')}}} // => ["path","to","filename.ext"]
f-dirname (path)
{{{f-dirname '/path/to/filename.ext'}}} // => "/path/to/"
f-basename (path, ext)
{{{f-basename '/path/to/filename.ext'}}} // => "filename.ext"
{{{f-basename '/path/to/filename.ext' '.ext'}}} // => "filename"
f-extname (path)
{{{f-extname '/path/to/filename.ext'}}} // => ".ext"
{{{f-extname 'filename.ext'}}} // => ".ext"
f-drop-extname (path)
{{{f-drop-extname '/path/to/filename.ext'}}} // => "/path/to/filename"
{{{f-drop-extname '/path/to/filename.ext.ex2'}}} // => "/path/to/filename.ext"
{{{f-drop-extname 'filename.ext'}}} // => "filename"
f-relative (...)
{{{f-relative '/orandea/test/aaa' '/orandea/impl/bbb'}}} // => "../../impl/bbb"


f-read-text (path, encoding)


{{{f-read-text 'simple.txt'}}} // => "first\nsecond"
{{{f-read-text 'simple.txt' 'utf8'}}} // => "first\nsecond"


Date helpers requires momentjs.

d-iso (d)

A helper returns date as iso string:

{{{d-iso (d-now)}}} // => "2015-01-29T04:08:32.234Z"
d-format (format, d)

A helper returns date as string:

{{{d-format 'YYYY-MM-DD' (d-date 'YYYY-MM-DD' '1970-01-01')}}} // => "1970-01-01"
d-now ()

A helper returns now as date:

{{{d-now}}} // => now
d-date (format, s)

A helper returns as date:

{{{d-date 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z' '1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000'}}} // => date
d-add (n, unit, d)

A helper returns as date:

{{{d-add 1 'days' dateObject}}} // => date
{{{d-format 'YYYY-MM-DD' (d-add 1 'days' (d-date 'YYYY-MM-DD' '1970-01-01'))}}} // => "1970-01-02"
d-subtract (n, unit, d)

A helper returns as date:

{{{d-subtract 1 'days' dateObject}}} // => date
{{{d-format 'YYYY-MM-DD' (d-subtract 1 'days' (d-date 'YYYY-MM-DD' '1970-01-02'))}}} // => "1970-01-01"


  • supports ES6(iojs)
    • generator based range.
    • new Set as list
    • generator as list
    • new Map as dictionary.

Conventional guide.


Start with:

  • -: Collections functions and basic utility
  • n-: Numeric functions
  • d-: Date functions
  • s-: String functions


  • Predicate should return real boolean(not falsey/truey values)
  • The name of predicate should end with question mark('?')


  • Mandatory arguments should be before target object, but Optional arguments should be after target object. Let's see s-replace:
{{s-replace old new s regOpts}}
  • old and new are mandatory arguments.
  • s is main argument
  • regOpts is optional.


MIT © Changwoo Park