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Biomedical pre-trained word embeddings

Open gbrokos opened this issue 6 years ago • 13 comments

We (AUEB's NLP group: recently released word embeddings pre-trained on text from 27 million biomedical articles from the MEDLINE/PubMed Baseline 2018.

Two versions of word embeddings are provided, both in Word2Vec's C binary format: 200-dimensional: 400-dimensional:

Each .tar.gz file contains a folder with the pre-trained model and a readme file which you can also find here: The readme file contains details, statistics and license information for this dataset.

We would be happy to contribute this dataset to the gensim-data project. Let me know if you need any additional information or change in the files' format.

Code example: Load and use the 200D pre-trained model.

$ tar -zxvf pubmed2018_w2v_200D.tar.gz
$ python3
>>> from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
>>> word_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('pubmed2018_w2v_200D/pubmed2018_w2v_200D.bin', binary=True)
>>> word_vectors.most_similar(positive=['dna'])
[('deoxyribonucleic', 0.7673395872116089), ('dnas', 0.7249159216880798), ('dnarna', 0.72159743309021), ('dsdna', 0.68665611743927), ('ndna', 0.6813312768936157), ('checkpoint-blind', 0.6774483919143677), ('ssdna', 0.677314043045044), ('multi-dna', 0.6761660575866699), ('o⁶-methylguanine', 0.670427680015564), ('mtdna', 0.6684218645095825)]

gbrokos avatar May 07 '18 23:05 gbrokos

Thanks @gbrokos ! That's definitely useful.

What we also need is a clear description of the preprocessing (especially since this is biomedical domain, where good tokenization / phrase detection is important). How can users of your dataset match this preprocessing, in order to look up words?

The license seems a bit limiting. What is the reason not to allow commercial use?

piskvorky avatar May 08 '18 10:05 piskvorky

For text preprocessing we used the "bioclean" lambda function defined in the code below. Originally this were included in the script that accompanies the word embeddings of the BioASQ challenge. I just removed the surrounding ' '.join() to avoid joining tokens by spaces after splitting.

Here is a python code example:

import re

# clean for BioASQ
bioclean = lambda t: re.sub('[.,?;*!%^&_+():-\[\]{}]', '', t.replace('"', '').replace('/', '').replace('\\', '').replace("'",'').strip().lower()).split()

tokens = bioclean('This is a sentence to preprocess and tokenize!')

Output: ['this', 'is', 'a', 'sentence', 'to', 'preprocess', 'and', 'tokenize']

Other than that, we followed the exact workflow described in the readme file's preprocessing section.

Regarding the license, MEDLINE/PubMed Terms and Conditions declare that "some PubMed/MEDLINE abstracts may be protected by copyright." We are still, not sure if this affects word embeddings produced using this dataset.

MEDLINE/PubMed Terms and Conditions:

gbrokos avatar May 09 '18 17:05 gbrokos

Downloading Failure.Please upload your file to another place.

zhqu1148980644 avatar May 07 '19 04:05 zhqu1148980644

CC @mpenkov

piskvorky avatar May 07 '19 07:05 piskvorky

Downloading Failure.Please upload your file to another place.

Links of the original comment have been updated. It should work now.

gbrokos avatar May 07 '19 14:05 gbrokos


Thank you for the pretrained file.

Why simple disorders like "breast cancer" and "heart attack" show Out Of Vocabulary? Pubmed must have references to such common disorders!

prabhatM avatar May 15 '19 14:05 prabhatM

Hi, the preprocessing and tokenization of the text has been done as described above. Word2vec was trained on the words resulted by this process and not bi-grams like "breast cancer" or "heart attack". However, word embeddings for the uni-grams "breast", "cancer", "heart" and "attack" exist.

gbrokos avatar May 18 '19 11:05 gbrokos

Hi, I was testing pubmed_word2vec_2018 in one of my project. I got a long list of OOV words. oov_words = ['craniofaciofrontodigital', 'neurolepticinduced', 'cerabrooculonasal','inhalationinduced', 'cooccurrent', 'papillonlèfevre', 'nephroticnephritic', 'atretocephalus', 'seablue', 'unverrichtlundborg', 'portulacca', 'faceinduced', 'hexachlorine', 'twolevel', 'charcotmarietooth', 'dysphagocytosis', 'copperassociated', 'hugelbergwelander']

At the rate I am getting OOV after processing a small chunk of my data, I think I would expect 100x OOV of this list.

I guess, one needs a text file, not the bin file to add to the vocabulary, right?

prabhatM avatar May 27 '19 06:05 prabhatM

Hi, Is it possible to have the access to the .vec file for some retraining experimentation ?



prabhatM avatar Jun 11 '19 04:06 prabhatM

Do you include full model with both input and output layers (center and context word embeddings)?

dkajtoch avatar Sep 01 '19 18:09 dkajtoch

FYI vocab size is 2,665,547, and the most common 100 words are

['the', 'of', 'and', 'in', 'to', 'a', 'with', 'for', 'was', 'were', 'is', 'by', 'that', 'on', 'patients', 'as', 'from', 'this', 'or', 'an', 'are', 'at', 'be', 'we', 'study', 'results', 'not', 'these', 'cells', 'after', 'between', 'have', 'which', 'treatment', 'than', 'using', 'cell', 'but', 'been', 'has', 'group', 'during', 'p', 'both', 'two', 'may', 'it', 'their', 'also', 'had', 'all', 'more', 'used', 'no', 'disease', 'can', 'clinical', 'activity', 'analysis', 'data', '1', 'methods', 'expression', 'protein', 'effects', 'effect', 'increased', '2', 'associated', 'levels', 'compared', 'significantly', 'studies', 'other', 'human', 'significant', 'cancer', 'found', 'one', 'its', 'different', 'high', 'showed', 'use', 'control', 'there', 'risk', 'however', 'years', 'when', 'into', 'time', 'our', 'most', 'only', '3', 'gene', 'cases', 'blood', 'health']

romanegloo avatar Oct 17 '19 13:10 romanegloo

Thanks a lot for creating this model! I'm using it in this Kaggle note Notebook. I'm referencing this web page in the Notebook. Would you like me to reference something else, e.g., a paper about it?

mariask2 avatar Apr 17 '20 11:04 mariask2

Hi @mariask2, glad you found it useful! If still possible, please cite the publication mentioned at the end of the readme file:

gbrokos avatar Apr 30 '20 18:04 gbrokos