vpaint copied to clipboard
App starts normal, but switches to something that looks like a design/debug mode
Appearance changes after running executable a few seconds. This was after running a few times with NO error. Also, warnings during build
Build Output (home path redacted):
src/image_view.v:9:1: notice: [attr]
has been deprecated, use @[attr]
7 | import os
8 |
9 | [heap]
| ^
10 | struct ImageViewData {
11 | mut:
src/paint.v:8:1: notice: [attr]
has been deprecated, use @[attr]
6 | import gx
7 |
8 | [heap]
| ^
9 | struct App {
10 | mut:
src/tools_fillcan.v:5:8: warning: module 'time' is imported but never used
3 | import iui as ui
4 | import gx
5 | import time
| ~~~~
6 |
7 | // Fill Tool
~/.vmodules/iui/src/deprecated_stuff.v:22:3: notice: assigning 0
to a reference field is only allowed in unsafe
20 | return &MenuItem{
21 | text: text
22 | icon: 0
| ~~~~~~~
23 | click_event_fn: fn (mut win Window, item MenuItem) {}
24 | }
~/.vmodules/iui/src/image.v:43:3: notice: assigning 0
to a reference field is only allowed in unsafe
41 | mut img := &Image{
42 | text: ''
43 | img: 0
| ~~~~~~
44 | width: width
45 | height: h
~/.vmodules/iui/src/modal.v:39:3: notice: assigning 0
to a reference field is only allowed in unsafe
37 | in_width: 500
38 | in_height: 300
39 | close: 0
| ~~~~~~~~
40 | }
41 | }
~/.vmodules/iui/src/page.v:40:3: notice: assigning 0
to a reference field is only allowed in unsafe
38 | text_cfg: draw_cfg()
39 | in_height: 300
40 | close: 0
| ~~~~~~~~
41 | }
42 | }
~/.vmodules/iui/src/ui.v:314:3: notice: assigning 0
to a reference field is only allowed in unsafe
312 | pub fn Window.new(cfg &WindowConfig) &Window {
313 | mut win := &Window{
314 | gg: 0
| ~~~~~
315 | theme: cfg.theme
316 | bar: 0
~/.vmodules/iui/src/ui.v:316:3: notice: assigning 0
to a reference field is only allowed in unsafe
314 | gg: 0
315 | theme: cfg.theme
316 | bar: 0
| ~~~~~~
317 | config: cfg
318 | font_size: cfg.font_size
~/.vmodules/iui/src/ui.v:319:3: notice: assigning 0
to a reference field is only allowed in unsafe
317 | config: cfg
318 | font_size: cfg.font_size
319 | graphics_context: 0
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
320 | }
321 |
src/color_picker.v:48:25: notice: accessing a pointer map value requires an or {}
block outside unsafe
46 | mut cim := 0
47 | if 'HSL' in win.id_map {
48 | hsl := &int(win.id_map['HSL'])
| ~~~~~~~
49 | cim = *hsl
50 | }
src/color_picker.v:48:25: notice: accessing map value that contain pointers requires an or {}
block outside unsafe
46 | mut cim := 0
47 | if 'HSL' in win.id_map {
48 | hsl := &int(win.id_map['HSL'])
| ~~~~~~~
49 | cim = *hsl
50 | }
src/image_view.v:322:3: notice: assigning 0
to a reference field is only allowed in unsafe
320 | pub fn image_from_data(data &ImageViewData) &Image {
321 | return &Image{
322 | app: 0
| ~~~~~~
323 | data: data
324 | img: data.id
src/color_picker.v:52:16: warning: function iui.button_with_icon
has been deprecated; Use Button.new(ButtonConfig)
50 | }
51 |
52 | mut btn := ui.button_with_icon(cim)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
53 | btn.set_area_filled(false)
54 | btn.after_draw_event_fn = hsl_btn_draw_evnt
src/color_picker.v:80:21: warning: method iui.Modal.create_close_btn
has been deprecated
78 | modal.add_child(aslid)
79 |
80 | mut close := modal.create_close_btn(mut win, false)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
81 | y := 295
82 |
src/color_picker.v:86:19: warning: method iui.Modal.create_close_btn
has been deprecated
84 | close.set_bounds(16, y, 216, 30)
85 |
86 | mut can := modal.create_close_btn(mut win, true)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
87 | can.text = 'Cancel'
88 | can.set_bounds(245, y, 200, 30)
src/color_picker.v:308:2: warning: unused variable: y
306 | win.gg.draw_rounded_rect_empty(x - 1, cp.my - 8 + com.ry, 16, 16, 32, gx.blue)
307 |
308 | y := cp.btn.ry - 32
| ^
309 |
310 | ty := cp.btn.ry + cp.btn.height + 4
src/color_picker.v:316:2: warning: unused variable: tcolor
314 | win.gg.draw_rect_filled(cp.btn.rx, ty, cp.bw, 24, cp.color)
315 |
316 | tcolor := gx.rgb(255 - cp.color.r, 255 - cp.color.g, 255 - cp.color.b)
| ~~~~~~
317 |
318 | br := f32(cp.color.r) * 299
src/image_save.v:127:19: warning: method iui.Modal.create_close_btn
has been deprecated
125 |
126 | mut win := app.win
127 | mut can := modal.create_close_btn(mut win, true)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
128 | can.text = 'Cancel'
129 | can.set_bounds(w - 140, y, 130, 30)
src/image_save.v:96:2: warning: unused variable: bw
94 | modal.add_child(close)
95 | y := 250
96 | bw := 210
| ~~
97 |
98 | close.subscribe_event('mouse_up', fn [app, mut data, mut cb, mut f, mut nam] (mut e ui.MouseEvent) {
src/image_save.v:98:59: warning: unused variable: cb
96 | bw := 210
97 |
98 | close.subscribe_event('mouse_up', fn [app, mut data, mut cb, mut f, mut nam] (mut e ui.MouseEvent) {
| ~~
99 | full_path := os.join_path(f.text, nam.text)
100 | typ := os.file_ext(full_path).to_lower()
src/menubar.v:154:18: warning: function iui.menuitem
has been deprecated; Replaced with menu_item(MenuItemConfig)
152 | mut themes := ui.get_all_themes()
153 | for theme2 in themes {
154 | mut item := ui.menuitem(theme2.name)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
155 | item.set_click(theme_click)
156 | theme_menu.add_child(item)
src/paint.v:46:19: warning: function iui.make_window
has been deprecated; Use Window.new
44 | fn main() {
45 | // Create Window
46 | mut window := ui.make_window(
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~
47 | title: 'vPaint'
48 | width: 700
src/ribbon.v:29:7: warning: method iui.Button.set_click_fn
has been deprecated; use subscribe_event
27 | btn.border_radius = 32
28 |
29 | btn.set_click_fn(cbc, color)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
30 | color_box.add_child(btn)
31 | count += 1
src/ribbon.v:73:16: warning: function iui.button_with_icon
has been deprecated; Use Button.new(ButtonConfig)
71 | gg_im := gg.create_image_from_byte_array(data) or { panic(err) }
72 | cim := gg.cache_image(gg_im)
73 | mut btn := ui.button_with_icon(cim)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
74 |
75 | btn.set_bounds(0, 16, 32, 32)
src/ribbon.v:77:6: warning: method iui.Button.set_click_fn
has been deprecated; use subscribe_event
75 | btn.set_bounds(0, 16, 32, 32)
76 |
77 | btn.set_click_fn(rgb_btn_click, 0)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
78 | return btn
79 | }
src/ribbon.v:23:6: warning: unused variable: count
21 | size := 24
22 |
23 | mut count := 0
| ~~~~~
24 | for color in colors {
25 | mut btn := ui.Button.new(text: ' ')
src/ribbon.v:93:3: warning: unused variable: id
91 | mut app := win.get&App
92 | bg := if com.text == '' { app.color } else { app.color_2 }
93 | id := if com.text == '' { '1' } else { '2' }
| ~~
94 | com.set_background(bg)
95 | sele := (com.text == ' ' && app.sele_color) || (com.text == '' && !app.sele_color)
src/sidebar.v:41:8: warning: method iui.Button.set_click_fn
has been deprecated; use subscribe_event
39 | img_resize_file := $embed_file('assets/resize.png')
40 | mut test5 := app.icon_btn(img_resize_file.to_bytes(), &SelectTool{})
41 | test5.set_click_fn(fn (win &ui.Window, b voidptr, c voidptr) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
42 | mut app := win.get&App
43 | app.show_resize_modal(app.canvas.w, app.canvas.h)
src/sidebar.v:128:16: warning: function iui.button_with_icon
has been deprecated; Use Button.new(ButtonConfig)
126 | gg_im := gg.create_image_from_byte_array(data) or { panic(err) }
127 | cim := gg.cache_image(gg_im)
128 | mut btn := ui.button_with_icon(cim)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
129 |
130 | btn.set_bounds(2, 0, 46, 32)
src/sidebar.v:138:6: warning: method iui.Button.set_click_fn
has been deprecated; use subscribe_event
136 | btn.extra = tool.tool_name
137 |
138 | btn.set_click_fn(tool_btn_click, tool)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
139 | return btn
140 | }
src/statusbar.v:27:11: warning: method iui.Button.set_click_fn
has been deprecated; use subscribe_event
25 |
26 | mut zoom_inc := app.zoom_btn(1)
27 | zoom_inc.set_click_fn(on_zoom_inc_click, app)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
28 | zoom_inc.set_bounds(1, 0, 40, 25)
29 |
src/statusbar.v:31:11: warning: method iui.Button.set_click_fn
has been deprecated; use subscribe_event
29 |
30 | mut zoom_dec := app.zoom_btn(0)
31 | zoom_dec.set_click_fn(on_zoom_dec_click, app)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
32 | zoom_dec.set_bounds(4, 0, 40, 25)
33 |
src/tools_fillcan.v:28:13: warning: method []Point.free
must be called from an unsafe
26 | if this.next.len > 0 {
27 | this.next.clear()
28 | this.next.free()
| ~~~~~~
29 | free(this.next)
30 | this.next = []Point{}
src/tools_fillcan.v:29:3: warning: function free
must be called from an unsafe
27 | this.next.clear()
28 | this.next.free()
29 | free(this.next)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
30 | this.next = []Point{}
31 | this.img.refresh()