treestyletab icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
treestyletab copied to clipboard

[Enhancement] Drag parent onto child

Open UnePierre opened this issue 4 months ago • 1 comments


Steps to see the situation

  1. Start Firefox with clean profile.
  2. Install TST.
  3. Open several tabs in a small tree
  4. Try to drag&drop the parent (A) of a tree onto one of its offspring.
A (selected)
\- B
|\- B1 (drag here)
\- C

Expected result

\- B1
|\- A
\- C
  1. The selected parent (A) should move and become a child of the offspring it was dragged onto (B1).
  2. Another node becomes the parent; possibly the one that would get this position, when the parent was to be closed (B in the example).

This would also exchange the two nodes in a mini-tree (single-mom with only child) in a single action, which was my motivating example.

Actual (present) result

  1. Nothing happens.


  • Platform (OS): Windows10 x64
  • Version of Firefox: 125.0.2 (32-Bit)
  • Version (or revision) of Tree Style Tab: 3.9.19

UnePierre avatar Apr 30 '24 11:04 UnePierre