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Arbotix-m board instead of USB2Dynamixel controller
Hi @pirobot
I am following ros-by-example volume 1 for Tracking a visual target
, it is really useful.
I am on ros-indigo now, I want to use same material to control Phantomx Pincher robotic arm, since it uses same type of servos which are dynamixel ax-12a
However, I am encountering a problem, I am using arbotix-m board, and in the book they used USB2Dynamixel controller, so the launch file is different.
I want to control the servo id 1 based on the motion of a detected object.
What I did so far is as follow
I run
roslaunch rbx1_vision usb_cam.launch
roslaunch rbx1_vision camshift.launch
When I run roslaunch rbx1_dynamixels head_tracker.launch
The output is
[INFO] [WallTime: 1508247666.419934] Waiting for joint controllers services...
Then I run following launch that I created it by myself since I am using arbotix-m
roslaunch rbx1_dynamixels arbotix.launch
The content is
<node name="arbotix" pkg="arbotix_python" type="arbotix_driver" output="screen">
<rosparam file="$(find rbx1_dynamixels)/config/arbotix_params.yaml" command="load" />
<node name="gripper_controller" pkg="arbotix_controllers" type="gripper_controller">
<param name="model" value="singlesided"/>
<param name="invert" value="true"/>
<param name="pad_width" value="0.0254"/>
The file arbotix_params.yaml
source: pincher_arm.yaml
port: /dev/ttyUSB0
baud: 115200
rate: 20
sync_write: True
sync_read: True
read_rate: 15
write_rate: 25
joints: {
head_pan_joint: {id: 1, cwlimit: 35, ccwlimit: 900, offset: 511, speed: 40},
arm_shoulder_lift_joint: {id: 2, cwlimit: 100, ccwlimit: 900, offset: 511, speed: 40},
arm_elbow_flex_joint: {id: 3, cwlimit: 100, ccwlimit: 900, offset: 511, speed: 40},
arm_wrist_flex_joint: {id: 4, cwlimit: 180, ccwlimit: 900, offset: 511, speed: 40},
gripper_joint: {id: 5, cwlimit: 30, ccwlimit: 400, offset: 215, speed: 40}
ArbotiX is connected BUT when I run rostopic info /roi
I see the following output, which is not correct.
imr@IMR-PC:~$ rostopic info /roi
Type: sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest
* /camshift (http://localhost:42869/)
Subscribers: None
The book is giving instruction for USB2Dynamixel controller only, but I am using arbotix-m board.
I am so confusing now, please tell me where I am mistaken !!!!