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Error “can't read superblock on /dev/drbd1001.” when trying to start a pod

Open dmrub opened this issue 8 months ago • 5 comments

I see errors in the pod events:

$ kubectl describe pod -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack-grafana-5fd67c647-7m5hs
Name:             kube-prometheus-stack-grafana-5fd67c647-7m5hs
Namespace:        monitoring
Priority:         0
Service Account:  kube-prometheus-stack-grafana
Node:             k8s-m0/
Start Time:       Mon, 03 Jun 2024 08:55:48 +0200
Labels:           app.kubernetes.io/instance=kube-prometheus-stack
Annotations:      checksum/config: 4eb333c36d59bdac7f568835d4c71dc0e5b1ca4f0bbc06eb5379f9ca352b8914
                  checksum/sc-dashboard-provider-config: 593c0a8778b83f11fe80ccb21dfb20bc46705e2be3178df1dc4c89d164c8cd9c
                  checksum/secret: 032056e9c62bbe9d1daa41ee49cd3d9524c076f51ca4c65adadf4ef08ef28712
                  kubectl.kubernetes.io/default-container: grafana
Status:           Pending
IPs:              <none>
Controlled By:    ReplicaSet/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana-5fd67c647
Init Containers:
    Container ID:    
    Image:           docker.io/library/busybox:1.31.1
    Image ID:        
    Port:            <none>
    Host Port:       <none>
    SeccompProfile:  RuntimeDefault
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       PodInitializing
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
      /var/lib/grafana from storage (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-p2xnp (ro)
    Container ID:    
    Image:           quay.io/kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar:1.26.1
    Image ID:        
    Port:            <none>
    Host Port:       <none>
    SeccompProfile:  RuntimeDefault
    State:           Waiting
      Reason:        PodInitializing
    Ready:           False
    Restart Count:   0
      METHOD:        WATCH
      LABEL:         grafana_dashboard
      LABEL_VALUE:   1
      FOLDER:        /tmp/dashboards
      RESOURCE:      both
      NAMESPACE:     ALL
      REQ_USERNAME:  <set to the key 'admin-user' in secret 'kube-prometheus-stack-grafana'>      Optional: false
      REQ_PASSWORD:  <set to the key 'admin-password' in secret 'kube-prometheus-stack-grafana'>  Optional: false
      REQ_URL:       http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/dashboards/reload
      /tmp/dashboards from sc-dashboard-volume (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-p2xnp (ro)
    Container ID:    
    Image:           quay.io/kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar:1.26.1
    Image ID:        
    Port:            <none>
    Host Port:       <none>
    SeccompProfile:  RuntimeDefault
    State:           Waiting
      Reason:        PodInitializing
    Ready:           False
    Restart Count:   0
      METHOD:        WATCH
      LABEL:         grafana_datasource
      LABEL_VALUE:   1
      FOLDER:        /etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources
      RESOURCE:      both
      REQ_USERNAME:  <set to the key 'admin-user' in secret 'kube-prometheus-stack-grafana'>      Optional: false
      REQ_PASSWORD:  <set to the key 'admin-password' in secret 'kube-prometheus-stack-grafana'>  Optional: false
      REQ_URL:       http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/datasources/reload
      /etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources from sc-datasources-volume (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-p2xnp (ro)
    Container ID:    
    Image:           docker.io/grafana/grafana:10.4.1
    Image ID:        
    Ports:           3000/TCP, 9094/TCP, 9094/UDP
    Host Ports:      0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/UDP
    SeccompProfile:  RuntimeDefault
    State:           Waiting
      Reason:        PodInitializing
    Ready:           False
    Restart Count:   0
    Liveness:        http-get http://:3000/api/health delay=60s timeout=30s period=10s #success=1 #failure=10
    Readiness:       http-get http://:3000/api/health delay=0s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
      POD_IP:                       (v1:status.podIP)
      GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER:      <set to the key 'admin-user' in secret 'kube-prometheus-stack-grafana'>      Optional: false
      GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD:  <set to the key 'admin-password' in secret 'kube-prometheus-stack-grafana'>  Optional: false
      GF_PATHS_DATA:               /var/lib/grafana/
      GF_PATHS_LOGS:               /var/log/grafana
      GF_PATHS_PLUGINS:            /var/lib/grafana/plugins
      GF_PATHS_PROVISIONING:       /etc/grafana/provisioning
      /etc/grafana/grafana.ini from config (rw,path="grafana.ini")
      /etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/sc-dashboardproviders.yaml from sc-dashboard-provider (rw,path="provider.yaml")
      /etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources from sc-datasources-volume (rw)
      /tmp/dashboards from sc-dashboard-volume (rw)
      /var/lib/grafana from storage (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-p2xnp (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       False 
  Ready             False 
  ContainersReady   False 
  PodScheduled      True 
    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
    Name:      kube-prometheus-stack-grafana
    Optional:  false
    Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
    ClaimName:  kube-prometheus-stack-grafana
    ReadOnly:   false
    Type:       EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
    SizeLimit:  <unset>
    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
    Name:      kube-prometheus-stack-grafana-config-dashboards
    Optional:  false
    Type:       EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
    SizeLimit:  <unset>
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   BestEffort
Node-Selectors:              <none>
Tolerations:                 node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
                             node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason              Age   From                     Message
  ----     ------              ----  ----                     -------
  Normal   Scheduled           49m   default-scheduler        Successfully assigned monitoring/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana-5fd67c647-7m5hs to k8s-m0
  Warning  FailedAttachVolume  49m   attachdetach-controller  Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0" Volume is already used by pod(s) kube-prometheus-stack-grafana-5fd67c647-dcqrx
  Warning  FailedMount         49m   kubelet                  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = NodePublishVolume failed for pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0: mount failed: exit status 32
Mounting command: mount
Mounting arguments: -t ext4 -o _netdev /dev/drbd1001 /var/lib/kubelet/pods/1fc6504d-b1e0-43d1-8012-32a69210124a/volumes/kubernetes.io~csi/pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0/mount
Output: mount: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/1fc6504d-b1e0-43d1-8012-32a69210124a/volumes/kubernetes.io~csi/pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0/mount: can't read superblock on /dev/drbd1001.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
  Normal   SuccessfulAttachVolume  4m5s (x46 over 49m)  attachdetach-controller  AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0"
  Warning  FailedMount             6s (x31 over 49m)    kubelet                  MountVolume.WaitForAttach failed for volume "pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0" : volume pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0 has GET error for volume attachment csi-1e1f5fcc627e2e7c3ca2595b3593e4d17c9188e63cec5e7d8f1cbe950418e564: volumeattachments.storage.k8s.io "csi-1e1f5fcc627e2e7c3ca2595b3593e4d17c9188e63cec5e7d8f1cbe950418e564" is forbidden: User "system:node:k8s-m0" cannot get resource "volumeattachments" in API group "storage.k8s.io" at the cluster scope: no relationship found between node 'k8s-m0' and this object

The cluster consists of three master/worker nodes k8s-m0, k8s-m1 and k8s-m2

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
k8s-m0   Ready    control-plane   28d   v1.28.9   <none>        Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS   5.15.0-107-generic   containerd://1.7.3
k8s-m1   Ready    control-plane   28d   v1.28.9   <none>        Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS   5.15.0-107-generic   containerd://1.7.3
k8s-m2   Ready    control-plane   28d   v1.28.9   <none>        Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS   5.15.0-107-generic   containerd://1.7.3

I see only one linstor error

$ kubectl exec -ti -n piraeus-datastore deployments/linstor-controller -- /bin/bash

root@linstor-controller-797bc7456f-8mgws:/# linstor error-reports list
┊ Id                    ┊ Datetime            ┊ Node                                  ┊ Exception                               ┊
┊ 664F7013-00000-000000 ┊ 2024-06-02 22:00:12 ┊ C|linstor-controller-797bc7456f-8mgws ┊ SocketException: Network is unreachable ┊
root@linstor-controller-797bc7456f-8mgws:/# linstor error-reports show 664F7013-00000-000000
ERROR REPORT 664F7013-00000-000000


Application:                        LINBIT? LINSTOR
Module:                             Controller
Version:                            1.27.0
Build ID:                           8250eddde5f533facba39b4d1f77f1ef85f8521d
Build time:                         2024-04-02T07:12:21+00:00
Error time:                         2024-06-02 22:00:12
Node:                               linstor-controller-797bc7456f-8mgws
Thread:                             SslConnector
Access context information

Identity:                           PUBLIC
Role:                               PUBLIC
Domain:                             PUBLIC

Peer:                               Node: 'k8s-m2'


Reported error:

Category:                           Exception
Class name:                         SocketException
Class canonical name:               java.net.SocketException
Generated at:                       Method 'pollConnect', Source file 'Net.java, Unknown line number

Error message:                      Network is unreachable

Error context:
        I/O exception while attempting to connect to the peer
Call backtrace:

    Method                                   Native Class:Line number
    pollConnect                              Y      sun.nio.ch.Net:unknown
    pollConnectNow                           N      sun.nio.ch.Net:672
    finishConnect                            N      sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl:946
    establishConnection                      N      com.linbit.linstor.netcom.TcpConnectorService:993
    run                                      N      com.linbit.linstor.netcom.TcpConnectorService:728
    run                                      N      java.lang.Thread:840


There is an issue with PVC used by the above pod when the pod is running on node k8s-m0

root@linstor-controller-797bc7456f-8mgws:/# linstor r l
┊ ResourceName                             ┊ Node   ┊ Port ┊ Usage  ┊ Conns              ┊      State ┊ CreatedOn           ┊
┊ pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0 ┊ k8s-m0 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ StandAlone(k8s-m1) ┊   Diskless ┊ 2024-05-06 16:11:35 ┊
┊ pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0 ┊ k8s-m1 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ Connecting(k8s-m0) ┊   UpToDate ┊ 2024-05-06 16:11:31 ┊
┊ pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0 ┊ k8s-m2 ┊      ┊ InUse  ┊ Ok                 ┊   UpToDate ┊ 2024-05-06 16:11:35 ┊
┊ pvc-335fe40b-7250-4b2a-a0b3-c9eb1780e528 ┊ k8s-m0 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ Ok                 ┊   UpToDate ┊ 2024-05-29 15:11:23 ┊
┊ pvc-335fe40b-7250-4b2a-a0b3-c9eb1780e528 ┊ k8s-m1 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ Ok                 ┊   UpToDate ┊ 2024-05-29 15:11:27 ┊
┊ pvc-335fe40b-7250-4b2a-a0b3-c9eb1780e528 ┊ k8s-m2 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ Ok                 ┊ TieBreaker ┊ 2024-05-29 15:11:26 ┊
┊ pvc-4297b5a5-4c61-4638-a63d-729f5021d46f ┊ k8s-m0 ┊      ┊ InUse  ┊ Ok                 ┊   UpToDate ┊ 2024-05-06 16:11:28 ┊
┊ pvc-4297b5a5-4c61-4638-a63d-729f5021d46f ┊ k8s-m1 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ Ok                 ┊   Diskless ┊ 2024-05-06 16:11:35 ┊
┊ pvc-4297b5a5-4c61-4638-a63d-729f5021d46f ┊ k8s-m2 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ Ok                 ┊   UpToDate ┊ 2024-05-06 16:11:34 ┊
┊ pvc-cae1b7e0-d80d-47a8-8161-53063a5ccf36 ┊ k8s-m0 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ Ok                 ┊   UpToDate ┊ 2024-05-23 16:37:38 ┊
┊ pvc-cae1b7e0-d80d-47a8-8161-53063a5ccf36 ┊ k8s-m1 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ Ok                 ┊ TieBreaker ┊ 2024-05-23 16:37:43 ┊
┊ pvc-cae1b7e0-d80d-47a8-8161-53063a5ccf36 ┊ k8s-m2 ┊      ┊ Unused ┊ Ok                 ┊   UpToDate ┊ 2024-05-23 16:37:44 ┊

When I run dmesg -T on the k8s-m0 node, I get the following output:

[Mo Jun  3 05:16:06 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0: Preparing cluster-wide state change 352557914 (2->-1 3/1)
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:06 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0: Aborting cluster-wide state change 352557914 (0ms) rv = -10
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:06 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0: Declined by peer k8s-m2 (id: 1), see the kernel log there
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:06 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0: Preparing cluster-wide state change 2847615758 (2->-1 3/1)
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:06 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0: Aborting cluster-wide state change 2847615758 (0ms) rv = -10
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:06 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0: Declined by peer k8s-m2 (id: 1), see the kernel log there
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:06 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0: Auto-promote failed: State change was refused by peer node (-10)
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:06 2024] EXT4-fs (drbd1001): INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:06 2024] EXT4-fs (drbd1001): write access will be enabled during recovery
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0/0 drbd1001: Rejected WRITE request, not in Primary role. open_cnt:1 [mount:600441:2024-06-03_03:15:46.918]
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 0, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 1, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 1028, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 1043, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 1059, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 9267, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 524320, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 1572880, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 1572896, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] Buffer I/O error on dev drbd1001, logical block 1581106, lost async page write
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] JBD2: recovery failed
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:07 2024] EXT4-fs (drbd1001): error loading journal
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:10 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0 k8s-m2: Preparing remote state change 502811644
[Mo Jun  3 05:16:10 2024] drbd pvc-40a7bc3f-d655-4606-a671-863913f657c0 k8s-m2: Committing remote state change 502811644 (primary_nodes=0)

Create and attach SOS report:

kubectl exec -n piraeus-datastore -it deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor sos-report create


dmrub avatar Jun 03 '24 14:06 dmrub