Jon Pipitone
Jon Pipitone
A quick glance at the grid engine man pages doesn't show anything like `afterany` dependencies, but we could easily fake it by forcing a 0 return value from the job...
Oh cool, conda-forge. That might make the cross-platform/python version stuff easier. FYI, it's easy enough to push to our own custom channel. I gave it a whirl with v1.0.1:
I considered this, but then the default isn't shown in the help. We could write it into the help ourselves, I suppose.
> That's what my thought was. I think that would make the code quite a bit cleaner. Ah, I see now you had this idea in the issue title. :-)
I'm good with this.
I don't use LSF myself, so not a priority unless you or others we want to support use it.
Given @dcoynel's pain in getting slurm going (see #140), and given that our tests don't actually depend on any of the scheduling systems to be installed right now (since we...