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High-performance time-series aggregation for PostgreSQL

Results 101 pipelinedb issues
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I what used this several years ago, maybe 2017 or so, before it was an extension iirc. I have a desire for continuous queries on PostgreSQL again and so I...

Hi there, I'm trying to use the `/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d` directory of the `pipelinedb/pipelinedb-postgresql-10` docker image (`latest` tag) to automatically setup the streams and continuous views for my database upon container creation....

Hello, I have been using the piplinedb plugin for a while, but I recently encountered a very strange phenomenon. When I implemented a process, I needed to repeatedly delete the...

Need to install python 3,pip and libpq-dev. pip install -r src/test/py/requirements.txt

Hi! Is there a plan to make pipelinedb support postgresql v12?

Can we please add a default column called time just like the one called arrival_timestamp so it can be visualized using Grafana as time series? Thanks ![Figure10 6](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/65107021/85312241-d6dbd480-b4b6-11ea-8f12-341d25320ac5.png) If it...

@derekjn https://www.pipelinedb.com/ ![Screenshot from 2020-02-05 14-18-06](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30689205/73850358-71e35300-4823-11ea-9b49-932760990f2a.png)

I first noticed this problem when trying to make CVs with GROUPING SETS according to the syntax I saw in the Postgres docs, https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/queries-table-expressions.html like: `GROUP BY a, CUBE (b,...

@usmanm Hi, I have a problem. In the Makefile, the zmq static library uses an absolute path, and there are some doubts about user compilation. yum installation zmq will be...