Pieter Pauwels
Pieter Pauwels
Topic seems to be in conclusion already. Yet, to respond to @klacol: This is in the base schema of IFC, last few lines in https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2_TC1/EXPRESS/IFC4.exp ``` RULE IfcSingleProjectInstance FOR (IfcProject);...
no particular preference really. Except for features, which I think is really a geospatial term.
A license was included in the ontology files themselves, namely the CC-BY3.0. I'll add it also for the full repository. I don't know what the license model of IFC itself...
Hi again, In fact, GitHub does not naturally include CC-BY, mainly because this license type is not commonly associated to code. We can use CC-BY, but it may be better...
Fully in favor. I would even actively discourage the use of IfcOwnerHistory. Provenance of data should not be stored within a format that is used for data exchange. A CDE...
This question also came about in the W3C LBD Community Group, in the OPM discussion. Properties can be modelled there as Level 1, 2, and 3. Users can pick what...
@HerbertDobernig: can you post an example IFC snippet for, say, a door that gets added to a wall or something?
I am aware that they are all four slightly different, bags, sets, lists, and sets. Fact is that many other languages don´t go in that diversity in expressiveness. So, in...
That... seems like common sense? What are the effects of the change? Are there any?
I am fully in favour of putting all attributes in one place. Yet, I would not put them in _propertysets_, and instead put them all directly with the object. Where...