vscode-adwaita copied to clipboard
None BOLD keyword option
Thank you for making this awesome theme! Is there any option to turn bold keywords off?
Unfortunately I'm not aware of a way to do this that would be future-proof (if new rules for bold text would be added in the future) and not involve adding yet another theme variant (that would result in a total of 16 theme versions included, which is, imo, too much).
For now you could include this in your settings.json:
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"[Adwaita Dark]": {
"textMateRules": [
{ "scope": ["markup.heading.markdown", "keyword", "keyword.operator.logical.python", "source.js keyword.operator.expression", "source.ts keyword.operator.expression", "keyword.operator.new", "storage.type", "storage.modifier", "entity.name.tag.yaml", "comment.line.number-sign.shebang", "markup.bold.markdown", "support.type", "keyword.type.cs", "source.go storage.type", "support.class.builtin.js", "support.class.promise", "source.c storage.modifier", "source.c storage.type", "entity.other.attribute-name.id.css", "entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-element.css", "entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class.css", "meta.selector.css punctuation.section.function", "meta.selector.css keyword.operator", "punctuation.definition.entity.begin.bracket.square.css", "punctuation.definition.entity.end.bracket.square.css", "entity.name.type.class.python", "text.xml meta.tag.preprocessor entity.name.tag", "text.xml meta.tag.preprocessor punctuation.definition.tag"],
"settings": { "fontStyle": "" } }
Thank you very much! It works like charm :+1:
I keep this issue opens in case others need!