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PIOSpriteKit is a utility library for Apple's SpriteKit. It's goal is to eliminate some boilerplate code and add some usefull components.


PIOSpriteKit is a utility library for Apple's SpriteKit. It's goal is to eliminate some boilerplate code and add some usefull components.

Adding to your project

Simply add the files in the PIOSpriteKit/Classes to your project. You will also need to link your project with SpriteKit.framework.

If you use CocoaPods, just include following line in your Pod file:

pod 'PIOSpriteKit'

What's included

  • PIOScrollSceneViewController
  • PIOTiledNode


PIOScrollSceneViewController lets you scroll and zoom your scene. It consists of two main classess: PIOScrollScene and PIOScrollSceneViewController. The setup is really simple:

First of all setup your scene

  1. Make sure your scene inherits from PIOScrollViewScene

    @interface ExampleScrollScene : PIOScrollScene
  2. Initialize rootNode property of your scene with a SKSpriteNode you wish to pan and zoom. [PIOScrollScene rootNode] is the main node of the scene.

    - (instancetype)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
    	if([super initWithSize:size] != nil) {
    		self.rootNode.texture = [SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:@"sample_image.jpg"];
    		self.rootNode.size    = self.rootNode.texture.size;
    	return self;
  3. Override PIOScrollScene properties that let's you specify minimum maximum and initial zoom zcale (1 is a default value)

    - (CGFloat)minimumZoomScale {
    	return 0.5;
    - (CGFloat)maximumZoomScale {
    	return 1.0;
    - (CGFloat)initialZoomScale {
    	return 0.5;

Setup your view controller

  1. Make sure your view controller inherits from PIOScrollSceneViewController

    @interface ExampleScrollViewController : PIOScrollSceneViewController
  2. Present your scene using presentScene method.

    - (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews {
    	[super viewWillLayoutSubviews];
    	if (self.sampleScene == nil) {
    		//[PIOScrollSceneViewController spriteKitView] is an IBOutlet so you can hook it up to your SKView in the storyboard)
    		self.sampleScene	= [[ExampleScrollScene alloc] initWithSize:self.spriteKitView.frame.size];
    		[self presentScene:self.sampleScene];


PIOTiledNode lets you create node that consists of several tiles.

Setup your tile node

  1. Make sure your node inherits from PIOTiledNode

    @interface ExampleTiledNode : PIOTiledNode
  2. Override PIOTiledNode properties that let's you specify number of rows the node consists of

    - (uint)rowsCount {
    	return 1;
    - (uint)columnsCount {
    	return 2;
  3. Override imageFileNameForRow:column method, that returns tile file name for given row and column

    - (NSString *)imageFileNameForRow:(NSUInteger)row column:(NSUInteger)column {
    	return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"sample_image_%lu%lu.jpg", (unsigned long) row, (unsigned long) column];

Use your tiled node

  1. Call [PIOTiledNode load] method to load your tile node

    SKSpriteNode *sampleNode;
    sampleNode	= [[[ExampleTiledNode alloc] init] load];
  2. Use it as any other node

You can find the working example app in Examples folder. Enjoy!


PIOSpriteKit is under MIT License

