@ExperimentsInHonesty , I found this census data from 2010 by neighborhood council. According to this data, there is quite a large spread in population size of the different neighborhood councils....
To adjust the data by population, I intersected the census block 2020 data from LA county ARCgis with the neighborhood councils boundaries to obtain population estimates for each neighborhood council....
There is no available table of population broken down by neighborhood council. The only data available is derived from 2010 census data using old NC boundaries (when there used to...
Here is the 2020 estimates for Los Angeles from the Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/losangelescitycalifornia/PST045221
Hi Nich, here is a screenshot of the missing data, week of 6/12 is the most affected one.
Here is the current screenshot of the first part of the Dashboard: Here how it looks with 7day MA.
Thanks Nich. I have implemented some normalization, should that be made into a new ull request?
Hi Nich, thanks for the comments. I implemented all changes and restricted this particular dashboard for showcasing how a specific council compares to the average (this has to be done...
The current visualization is done using population data from NC_pop_2020.csv which was generated from arcGS public data analysis (it is not clear how the analysis is done by the app)....