strings icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
strings copied to clipboard

A set of useful functions for transforming strings.

Results 3 strings issues
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### Describe the problem `Strings.wrap` throws an `IndexError`. ### Steps to reproduce the problem ```ruby Strings.wrap( "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz \e[1m\e[35m zzzzzzz\e[0m \e[1m\e[35mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz", 62 ) ``` ### Actual behaviour ``` [snip] 8: from...

### Describe the problem This library(and the whole tty ecosystem) is awesome and I really like it, although I found a cornercase that also pollutes [tty-box]( library of yours. I...

### Describe the problem When the ANSI sequence is directly wrapped in brackets the brackets are removed from the output. ### Steps to reproduce the problem ``` require 'strings-ansi' str1...
