etcd pod is started, but apisix pod install fail this is Error log :Error from server (BadRequest): container "apisix" in pod "apisix-5d7bc7ccdf-sxlpj" is waiting to start: PodInitializing
This is my execution step : 1. Use the following command to install helm install apisix ./chart/apisix -n default \ --set allow.ipList="" \ --set etcd.volumePermissions.enabled=true 2. The phenomenon of complete...
etcdmain: cannot access data directory: mkdir /bitnami/etcd/data: permission denied
I deployed an ETCD outside the container ,apisix pod can not start . The error Info is I deployed an ETCD outside the container
jxwaf有自学习的能力吗?我在 这个帖子里看到有涉及,不知道里面的jxwaf是不是咱这个项目
背景:使用当前的master版本 & 镜像helm-wrapper:v1.2 进行测试都发现问题 问题描述: harbor仓库中的chart信息已经更新,但是使用API:/api/repositories/charts?versions=true 获取到的chart信息还是旧的chart信息,只有重启helm-wrapper才能获取到最新的
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