mediadevices icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mediadevices copied to clipboard

Compile mediadevices

Open projetoarduino opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments


I follow the examples and the code show this

DeviceID: 77665c83-618f-429d-a1ae-b7b2279ed22d Video: Width: 0 Height: 0 FrameRate: 0 FrameFormat: Audio: ChannelCount: 1 Latency: 20ms SampleRate: 48000 SampleSize: 4 IsBigEndian: false IsFloat: true IsInterleaved: true mediadevices/driver/microphone DEBUG: 15:14:05.061486 microphone.go:41: ma_device_init() called with invalid config. Capture channel map is invalid. panic: miniaudio: invalid device config

my code

`// export GO111MODULE=on // //../pkg/mod/[email protected]/track.go:342:33: cannot use mtu (type int) as type uint16 // sobre esse erro editar o arquivo track.go // e colocar isso uma linha acima do erro u := uint16(mtu)

package main

import ( "fmt" "bytes" "compress/gzip" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "io/ioutil" "os"


// If you don't like x264, you can also use vpx by importing as below
// "" // This is required to use VP8/VP9 video encoder
// or you can also use openh264 for alternative h264 implementation
// or if you use a raspberry pi like, you can use mmal for using its hardware encoder
// ""
"" // This is required to use opus audio encoder
"" // This is required to use h264 video encoder

// Note: If you don't have a camera or microphone or your adapters are not supported,
//       you can always swap your adapters with our dummy adapters below.
// _ ""
// ""
_ ""     // This is required to register camera adapter
_ "" // This is required to register microphone adapter


// Allows compressing offer/answer to bypass terminal input limits. const compress = false

func main() { fmt.Println("Cverino2 v0.1")

config := webrtc.Configuration{
	ICEServers: []webrtc.ICEServer{
			URLs: []string{""},

// Wait for the offer to be pasted
offer := webrtc.SessionDescription{}
Decode(readFile(), &offer)

// Create a new RTCPeerConnection
x264Params, err := x264.NewParams()
if err != nil {
x264Params.BitRate = 500_000 // 500kbps

opusParams, err := opus.NewParams()
if err != nil {
codecSelector := mediadevices.NewCodecSelector(

mediaEngine := webrtc.MediaEngine{}
api := webrtc.NewAPI(webrtc.WithMediaEngine(&mediaEngine))
peerConnection, err := api.NewPeerConnection(config)
if err != nil {

// Set the handler for ICE connection state
// This will notify you when the peer has connected/disconnected
peerConnection.OnICEConnectionStateChange(func(connectionState webrtc.ICEConnectionState) {
	fmt.Printf("Connection State has changed %s \n", connectionState.String())

s, err := mediadevices.GetUserMedia(mediadevices.MediaStreamConstraints{
	Video: func(c *mediadevices.MediaTrackConstraints) {
		c.FrameFormat = prop.FrameFormat(frame.FormatI420)
		c.Width = prop.Int(640)
		c.Height = prop.Int(480)
	Audio: func(c *mediadevices.MediaTrackConstraints) {
	Codec: codecSelector,
if err != nil {

for _, track := range s.GetTracks() {
	track.OnEnded(func(err error) {
		fmt.Printf("Track (ID: %s) ended with error: %v\n",
			track.ID(), err)

	_, err = peerConnection.AddTransceiverFromTrack(track,
			Direction: webrtc.RTPTransceiverDirectionSendonly,
	if err != nil {

// Set the remote SessionDescription
err = peerConnection.SetRemoteDescription(offer)
if err != nil {

// Create an answer
answer, err := peerConnection.CreateAnswer(nil)
if err != nil {

// Create channel that is blocked until ICE Gathering is complete
gatherComplete := webrtc.GatheringCompletePromise(peerConnection)

// Sets the LocalDescription, and starts our UDP listeners
err = peerConnection.SetLocalDescription(answer)
if err != nil {

// Block until ICE Gathering is complete, disabling trickle ICE
// we do this because we only can exchange one signaling message
// in a production application you should exchange ICE Candidates via OnICECandidate

// Output the answer in base64 so we can paste it in browser

// Block forever
select {}


func check(e error) { if e != nil { panic(e) } }

func readFile() string { dat, err := os.ReadFile("./dat.txt") check(err) return string(dat) }

// Encode encodes the input in base64 // It can optionally zip the input before encoding func Encode(obj interface{}) string { b, err := json.Marshal(obj) if err != nil { panic(err) }

if compress {
	b = zip(b)

return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b)


// Decode decodes the input from base64 // It can optionally unzip the input after decoding func Decode(in string, obj interface{}) { b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(in) if err != nil { panic(err) }

if compress {
	b = unzip(b)

err = json.Unmarshal(b, obj)
if err != nil {


func zip(in []byte) []byte { var b bytes.Buffer gz := gzip.NewWriter(&b) _, err := gz.Write(in) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = gz.Flush() if err != nil { panic(err) } err = gz.Close() if err != nil { panic(err) } return b.Bytes() }

func unzip(in []byte) []byte { var b bytes.Buffer _, err := b.Write(in) if err != nil { panic(err) } r, err := gzip.NewReader(&b) if err != nil { panic(err) } res, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { panic(err) } return res }`

projetoarduino avatar Sep 27 '21 18:09 projetoarduino