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DoctorK is a service for Kafka cluster auto healing and workload balancing
Bumps [curator-framework]( from 4.2.0 to 5.2.0. Commits c1746fa [maven-release-plugin] prepare release apache-curator-5.2.0 414a408 CURATOR-599: Configurable ZookeeperFactory by ZKClientConfig 4dffb5e Use Awaitility to instead of Thread sleep method. (#389) e42a07a CURATOR-588...
Bumps [metrics-core]( from 3.2.3 to 4.2.3. Release notes Sourced from metrics-core's releases. v4.2.3 Dependency updates Update jackson.version to v2.12.4 (release/4.2.x) (#2069) Update jetty9.version to v9.4.43.v20210629 (release/4.2.x) (#2070) Update dependency com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine...
_Dependabot Preview will be shut down on August 3rd, 2021. In order to keep getting Dependabot updates, please merge this PR and migrate to GitHub-native Dependabot before then._ Dependabot has...
Bumps [mockito-core]( from 2.23.4 to 3.11.2. Release notes Sourced from mockito-core's releases. v3.11.2 Changelog generated by Shipkit Changelog Gradle Plugin 3.11.2 2021-06-21 - 5 commit(s) by dependabot[bot] Bump versions.bytebuddy from...
Bumps [gson]( from 2.8.2 to 2.8.7. Changelog Sourced from gson's changelog. Version 2.8.7 Fixed ISO8601UtilsTest failing on systems with UTC+X. Improved javadoc for JsonStreamParser. Updated proguard.cfg (#1693). Fixed IllegalStateException in...
Bumps [maven-javadoc-plugin]( from 2.9.1 to 3.3.0. Commits aa3e12c [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-javadoc-plugin-3.3.0 55982df [MJAVADOC-584] excludePackageNames is not working as documented anymore e9729ce [MJAVADOC-453] Using Alternate Doclet documentation example snippet is...
Bumps [scala-library]( from 2.12.7 to 2.13.6. Release notes Sourced from scala-library's releases. Scala 2.13.6 The Scala 2 team at Lightbend is pleased to announce the availability of Scala 2.13.6. Highlights...
Bumps commons-beanutils from 1.9.3 to 1.9.4. **This update includes a security fix.** Vulnerabilities fixed Sourced from The GitHub Security Advisory Database. Insecure Deserialization in Apache Commons Beanutils In Apache Commons...
Bumps [guava]( from 27.0.1-jre to 29.0-jre. Release notes Sourced from guava's releases. 29.0 Maven <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>guava</artifactId> <version>29.0-jre</version> <!-- or, for Android: --> <version>29.0-android</version> </dependency> Javadoc 29.0-jre 29.0-android JDiff 29.0-jre...
Bumps [guava]( from 27.0.1-jre to 29.0-jre. Release notes Sourced from guava's releases. 29.0 Maven <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>guava</artifactId> <version>29.0-jre</version> <!-- or, for Android: --> <version>29.0-android</version> </dependency> Javadoc 29.0-jre 29.0-android JDiff 29.0-jre...