mobx-persist copied to clipboard
TypeScript type for Schema
This typings works! My be it will be useful.
I can add this typings:
// mob-x-persist-schema.ts
import { OmitProperties } from 'ts-essentials';
type SchemaFor<T> = T extends Array<infer A>
| {
type: 'list';
schema: MobXPersistSchema<A>;
| false
: T extends Map<any, infer A>
| {
type: 'map';
schema: MobXPersistSchema<A>;
| false
: T extends number | string | boolean
? boolean
: T extends {}
| {
type: 'object';
schema: MobXPersistSchema<T>;
| false
: false;
type S<Q> = {
[P in keyof Q]?: SchemaFor<Q[P]>;
type MobXPersistSchema<T> = S<OmitProperties<T, (...args: any[]) => any>>;
export default MobXPersistSchema;
Then I can write type-safe schema:
import { persist } from "mobx-persist";
interface PageInfo { pageNumber: number, pageSize: number }
class ListStore {
constructor(public pageInfo: PageInfo) {
class Store {
constructor(public users: ListStore) {
export const UserListStoreSchema: MobXPersistSchema<Store> = {
users: {
type: 'object',
schema: {
pageInfo: {
type: 'object',
schema: {
pageNumber: true,
pageSize: true,