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when sink mysql lack drop PRIVILEGES, cdc couldn't give error message timely,more than one hour,no error message

Open RenlySir opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

What did you do?

tidb 6.2.0 -> cdc 6.2.0 -> mysql 8.0 description: mysql8 user poctest no DROP PRIVILEGES,but cdc alawys normal, no any error message;

1.mysql8 user poctest PRIVILEGES, mysql> show grants; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for poctest@% | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT SELECT, RELOAD, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON . TO poctest@% | | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cdcdb.* TO poctest@% | | GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES, CREATE VIEW, SHOW VIEW ON evaluate.* TO poctest@% | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2.tidb op : mysql> show create table t1 \G; *************************** 1. row *************************** Table: t1 Create Table: CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL, col1 int(11) DEFAULT NULL, col2 int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) /*T![clustered_index] CLUSTERED */ ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

ERROR: No query specified

create table t3 like t1; insert into t3 select * from t1;

drop table t3

3.cdc changefeed query [tidb@presales-41 ~]$ tiup cdc:v6.2.0 cli changefeed list --pd= Starting component cdc: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.2.0/cdc /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.2.0/cdc cli changefeed list --pd= [ { "id": "6aa255c1-4017-4546-a8fa-1043453ce587", "namespace": "default", "summary": { "state": "normal", "tso": 436115501228490765, "checkpoint": "2022-09-20 12:36:50.033", "error": null } } ] [tidb@presales-41 ~]$ tiup cdc:v6.2.0 cli changefeed query -s --pd= --changefeed-id=6aa255c1-4017-4546-a8fa-1043453ce587 Starting component cdc: /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.2.0/cdc /home/tidb/.tiup/components/cdc/v6.2.0/cdc cli changefeed query -s --pd= --changefeed-id=6aa255c1-4017-4546-a8fa-1043453ce587 { "upstream_id": 7125745264241895922, "namespace": "default", "id": "6aa255c1-4017-4546-a8fa-1043453ce587", "state": "normal", "checkpoint_tso": 436115501228490765, "checkpoint_time": "2022-09-20 12:36:50.033", "error": null } [tidb@presales-41 ~]$

checkpoint always 436115501228490765,do not push,but no any error,even after one hour

4.mysql8,i give drop PRIVILEGES to poctest GRANT DROP ON evaluate.* TO poctest@% ; mysql> show grants; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for poctest@% | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT SELECT, RELOAD, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON . TO poctest@% | | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cdcdb.* TO poctest@% | | GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES, CREATE VIEW, SHOW VIEW ON evaluate.* TO poctest@% |

5.query cdc,changefeed can do work, and mysql8 get data

What did you expect to see?

cdc should give error timely,at least within 5 minutes;

What did you see instead?

after one hour,cdc doesn't give any error message to me.

Versions of the cluster

Upstream TiDB cluster version (execute SELECT tidb_version(); in a MySQL client):

mysql> SELECT tidb_version(); +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tidb_version() | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Release Version: v6.2.0 Edition: Community Git Commit Hash: daf2b17cdfe30c02ce282361009fb5bdb05f2b0e Git Branch: heads/refs/tags/v6.2.0 UTC Build Time: 2022-08-22 13:47:05 GoVersion: go1.18.5 Race Enabled: false TiKV Min Version: 6.2.0-alpha Check Table Before Drop: false Store: tikv | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Upstream TiKV version (execute tikv-server --version):

[root@presales-45 bin]# ./tikv-server --version TiKV Release Version: 6.2.0 Edition: Community Git Commit Hash: 4f717716a515a8047d91f4cbeef219f41c20dc2c Git Commit Branch: heads/refs/tags/v6.2.0 UTC Build Time: 2022-08-22 04:33:01 Rust Version: rustc 1.62.0-nightly (7c4b47696 2022-04-30) Enable Features: pprof-fp jemalloc mem-profiling portable sse test-engine-kv-rocksdb test-engine-raft-raft-engine cloud-aws cloud-gcp cloud-azure Profile: dist_release [root@presales-45 bin]#

TiCDC version (execute cdc version):

[tidb@presales-41 v6.2.0]$ ./cdc version Release Version: v6.2.0 Git Commit Hash: c0eaa0075d46e3011225796c7f060e2a5d903a77 Git Branch: heads/refs/tags/v6.2.0 UTC Build Time: 2022-08-08 10:05:10 Go Version: go version go1.18.5 linux/amd64 Failpoint Build: false

RenlySir avatar Sep 20 '22 05:09 RenlySir