tiflow copied to clipboard
changefeed resolved ts can not go on after restart all pd、tikv and tidb
What did you do?
1、create changefeed with simple protocol sink_url_options: simple-test?protocol=simple&max-message-bytes=1024000&partition-num=3&replication-factor=3 config: "[integrity]\nintegrity-check-level = "correctness"\ncorruption-handle-level = "warn"\n[sink]\nsend-bootstrap-interval-in-sec = 120\nsend-bootstrap-in-msg-count = 10000\n[sink.kafka-config.codec-config]\nencoding-format = "avro"\n[sink.kafka-config.large-message-handle]\nlarge-message-handle-compression = "lz4"\nlarge-message-handle-option = "claim-check"\nclaim-check-storage-uri = "s3://tmp?access-key=minioadmin&secret-access-key=minioadmin&endpoint=http%3a%2f%2fminio-peer%3a9000"" 2、run sysbench and cdc boundary workload 3、kill all pd、tikv and tidb
What did you expect to see?
after fault recover, changefeed resolved ts can go on
What did you see instead?
changefeed resolved ts can not go on after restart all pd、tikv and tidb
Versions of the cluster
./cdc version Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha Git Commit Hash: 8d223402ae20ed3042444582eb3c6503d61103e9 Git Branch: heads/refs/tags/v8.2.0-alpha UTC Build Time: 2024-05-08 11:36:18 Go Version: go version go1.21.6 linux/amd64 Failpoint Build: false 2024-05-09T08:21:41.925+0800
current status of DM cluster (execute query-status <task-name>
in dmctl)
No response
/remove-area dm /area ticdc /severity major
/assign hongyunyan