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DM cluster observability with large number of empty tables.
What did you do?
Migrate 100k empty tables from MySQL 8.0.32 to a TiDB cluster v7.6.
What did you expect to see?
Migration progress from command output, dm-worker.log and grafana.
What did you see instead?
The progress was always 0. I guess it is due to the current progress estimation is calculated based on data bytes only?
- Command output "load": { "finishedBytes": "0", "totalBytes": "0", "progress": "0.00 %", "metaBinlog": "(binlog.000005, 157)", "metaBinlogGTID": "", "bps": "0" },
[2023/12/15 12:23:23.620 +00:00] [INFO] [lightning.go:628] ["progress status of lightning"] [task=all1M] [unit=lightning-load] [finished_bytes=0] [total_bytes=0] [progress="0.00 %"] ["current speed (bytes / seconds)"=0]
3. Granafa monitor
Versions of the cluster
DM version (run dmctl -V
or dm-worker -V
or dm-master -V
(paste DM version here, and you must ensure versions of dmctl, DM-worker and DM-master are same)
Upstream MySQL/MariaDB server version:
(paste upstream MySQL/MariaDB server version here)
Downstream TiDB cluster version (execute SELECT tidb_version();
in a MySQL client):
(paste TiDB cluster version here)
How did you deploy DM: tiup or manually?
(leave TiUP or manually here)
Other interesting information (system version, hardware config, etc):
current status of DM cluster (execute query-status <task-name>
in dmctl)
(paste current status of DM cluster here)
You can check downstream TiDB cluster's grafana / SHOW PROCESSLIST to see what's going on. I guess DM is creating table in downstream and this action is a bit slow for TiDB.
Yes, it is creating tables in the downtream TiDB cluster.
/severity moderate