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runtime error: slice bounds out of range when exec prepared statement with leading newline

Open fubinzh opened this issue 8 months ago • 3 comments

Bug Report

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!

1. Minimal reproduce step (Required)

Run below sql

create database if not exists test;
use test;
drop table if exists aaa;
--- test case A
prepare stmt from "\ncreate table aaa(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000) maxvalue partition";
execute stmt;

use test; drop table if exists bbb;
create table bbb(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000);
-- test case B
prepare stmt2 from "\nalter table bbb last partition less than (20000)";
execute stmt2;

-- test case C
prepare stmt3 from "\nalter table bbb first partition less than (200)";
execute stmt3;

2. What did you expect to see? (Required)

Prepared statement with leading newline to create partition table should succeed.

3. What did you see instead (Required)

mysql> create database if not exists test;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.04 sec)

use test;
drop table if exists aaa;
--- test case A
prepare stmt from "\ncreate table aaa(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000) maxvalue partition";
execute stmt;mysql> use test;
Database changed
drop table if exists aaa;
--- test case A
prepare stmt from "\ncreate table aaa(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000) maxvalue partition";
execute stmt;mysql> drop table if exists aaa;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.04 sec)

--- test case A
prepare stmt from "\ncreate table aaa(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000) maxvalue partition";
execute stmt;mysql> --- test case A
    -> prepare stmt from "\ncreate table aaa(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000) maxvalue partition";
execute stmt;prepare stmt from "\ncreate table aaa(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000) maxvalue partition";
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your TiDB version for the right syntax to use line 1 column 1 near "--- test case A
prepare stmt from "\ncreate table aaa(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000) maxvalue partition"" execute stmt;
mysql> execute stmt;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): runtime error: slice bounds out of range [163:162]
mysql> use test; drop table if exists bbb;
Database changed
create table bbb(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000);
-- test case B
prepare stmt2 from "\nalter table bbb last partition less than (20000)";
execute stmt2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)

mysql> create table bbb(id bigint primary key) partition by range (id) interval (100) first partition less than (100) last partition less than (10000);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)

-- test case B
prepare stmt2 from "\nalter table bbb last partition less than (20000)";
execute stmt2;
mysql> -- test case B
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
prepare stmt2 from "\nalter table bbb last partition less than (20000)";
execute stmt2;

mysql> prepare stmt2 from "\nalter table bbb last partition less than (20000)";
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.04 sec)
execute stmt2;

mysql> execute stmt2;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): runtime error: slice bounds out of range [49:48]

mysql> -- test case C
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.04 sec)

prepare stmt3 from "\nalter table bbb first partition less than (200)";
execute stmt3;mysql> prepare stmt3 from "\nalter table bbb first partition less than (200)";
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.04 sec)
execute stmt3;
mysql> execute stmt3;
ERROR 1105 (HY000): runtime error: slice bounds out of range [48:47]

4. What is your TiDB version? (Required)

Release Version: v8.2.0-alpha Edition: Community Git Commit Hash: 1469fcfd5914b165cef5a026dcc05d8e01c4882f Git Branch: heads/refs/tags/v8.2.0-alpha UTC Build Time: 2024-06-26 11:46:38 GoVersion: go1.21.10 Race Enabled: false Check Table Before Drop: false

fubinzh avatar Jun 27 '24 08:06 fubinzh