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TiDB Vector SDK for Python, including code examples. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/XzSW23Jg9p


This is a Python client for TiDB Vector.

Now only TiDB Cloud Serverless cluster support vector data type, see this docs for more information.


pip install tidb-vector


TiDB vector supports below distance functions:

  • L1Distance
  • L2Distance
  • CosineDistance
  • NegativeInnerProduct

It also supports using hnsw index with l2 or cosine distance to speed up the search, for more details see Vector Search Indexes in TiDB

Supports following orm or framework:

  • SQLAlchemy
  • Django
  • Peewee
  • TiDB Vector Client


Learn how to connect to TiDB Serverless in the TiDB Cloud documentation.

Define table with vector field

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
from tidb_vector.sqlalchemy import VectorType

engine = create_engine('mysql://****.root:******@gateway01.xxxxxx.shared.aws.tidbcloud.com:4000/test')
Base = declarative_base()

class Test(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'test'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    embedding = Column(VectorType(3))

# or add hnsw index when creating table
class TestWithIndex(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'test_with_index'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    embedding = Column(VectorType(3), comment="hnsw(distance=l2)")


Insert vector data

test = Test(embedding=[1, 2, 3])

Get the nearest neighbors

session.scalars(select(Test).order_by(Test.embedding.l2_distance([1, 2, 3.1])).limit(5))

Get the distance

session.scalars(select(Test.embedding.l2_distance([1, 2, 3.1])))

Get within a certain distance

session.scalars(select(Test).filter(Test.embedding.l2_distance([1, 2, 3.1]) < 0.2))


To use vector field in Django, you need to use django-tidb.


Define peewee table with vector field

from peewee import Model, MySQLDatabase
from tidb_vector.peewee import VectorField

# Using `pymysql` as the driver
connect_kwargs = {
    'ssl_verify_cert': True,
    'ssl_verify_identity': True,

# Using `mysqlclient` as the driver
connect_kwargs = {
    'ssl_mode': 'VERIFY_IDENTITY',
    'ssl': {
        # Root certificate default path
        # https://docs.pingcap.com/tidbcloud/secure-connections-to-serverless-clusters/#root-certificate-default-path
        'ca': '/etc/ssl/cert.pem'  # MacOS

db = MySQLDatabase(

class TestModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        database = db
        table_name = 'test'

    embedding = VectorField(3)

# or add hnsw index when creating table
class TestModelWithIndex(Model):
    class Meta:
        database = db
        table_name = 'test_with_index'

    embedding = VectorField(3, constraints=[SQL("COMMENT 'hnsw(distance=l2)'")])

db.create_tables([TestModel, TestModelWithIndex])

Insert vector data

TestModel.create(embedding=[1, 2, 3])

Get the nearest neighbors

TestModel.select().order_by(TestModel.embedding.l2_distance([1, 2, 3.1])).limit(5)

Get the distance

TestModel.select(TestModel.embedding.cosine_distance([1, 2, 3.1]).alias('distance'))

Get within a certain distance

TestModel.select().where(TestModel.embedding.l2_distance([1, 2, 3.1]) < 0.5)

TiDB Vector Client

Within the framework, you can directly utilize the built-in TiDBVectorClient, as demonstrated by integrations like Langchain and Llama index, to seamlessly interact with TiDB Vector. This approach abstracts away the need to manage the underlying ORM, simplifying your interaction with the vector store.

We provide TiDBVectorClient which is based on sqlalchemy, you need to use pip install tidb-vector[client] to install it.

Create a TiDBVectorClient instance:

from tidb_vector.integrations import TiDBVectorClient

TABLE_NAME = 'vector_test'
CONNECTION_STRING = 'mysql+pymysql://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<HOST>:4000/<DB>?ssl_verify_cert=true&ssl_verify_identity=true'

tidb_vs = TiDBVectorClient(
    # the table which will store the vector data
    # tidb connection string
    # the dimension of the vector, in this example, we use the ada model, which has 1536 dimensions
    # if recreate the table if it already exists

Bulk insert:

ids = [
documents = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
embeddings = [
metadatas = [
    {"page": 1, "category": "P1"},
    {"page": 2, "category": "P1"},
    {"page": 3, "category": "P2"},



tidb_vs.query(text_to_embedding("foo"), k=3)

# query with filter
tidb_vs.query(text_to_embedding("foo"), k=3, filter={"category": "P1"})

Bulk delete:


# delete with filter
tidb_vs.delete(["f8e7dee2-63b6-42f1-8b60-2d46710c1971"], filter={"category": "P1"})


There are some examples to show how to use the tidb-vector-python to interact with TiDB Vector in different scenarios.

  • OpenAI Embedding: use the OpenAI embedding model to generate vectors for text data, store them in TiDB Vector, and search for similar text.
  • Image Search: use the OpenAI CLIP model to generate vectors for image and text, store them in TiDB Vector, and search for similar images.
  • LlamaIndex RAG with UI: use the LlamaIndex to build an RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation) application.
  • Chat with URL: use LlamaIndex to build an RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation) application that can chat with a URL.
  • GraphRAG: 20 lines code of using TiDB Serverless to build a Knowledge Graph based RAG application.
  • GraphRAG Step by Step Tutorial: Step by step tutorial to build a Knowledge Graph based RAG application with Colab notebook. In this tutorial, you will learn how to extract knowledge from a text corpus, build a Knowledge Graph, store the Knowledge Graph in TiDB Serverless, and search from the Knowledge Graph.
  • Vector Search Notebook with SQLAlchemy: use SQLAlchemy to interact with TiDB Serverless: connect db, index&store data and then search vectors.
  • Build RAG with Jina AI Embeddings: use Jina AI to generate embeddings for text data, store the embeddings in TiDB Vector Storage, and search for similar embeddings.
  • Semantic Cache: build a semantic cache with Jina AI and TiDB Vector.

for more examples, see the examples directory.


Please feel free to reach out to the maintainers if you have any questions or need help with the project. Before contributing, please read the CONTRIBUTING.md file.