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Change jdbc maxPerformance properties
Change jdbc maxPerformance properties
The original description is inconsistent with the MySQL Connector/J 5.1 Developer Guide
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Change jdbc maxPerformance properties
The original description is inconsistent with the MySQL Connector/J 5.1 Developer Guide
Which TiDB version(s) do your changes apply to? (Required)
Tips for choosing the affected version(s):
By default, CHOOSE MASTER ONLY so your changes will be applied to the next TiDB major or minor releases. If your PR involves a product feature behavior change or a compatibility change, CHOOSE THE AFFECTED RELEASE BRANCH(ES) AND MASTER.
For details, see tips for choosing the affected versions (in Chinese).
- [x] master (the latest development version)
- [ ] v6.3 (TiDB 6.3 versions)
- [ ] v6.1 (TiDB 6.1 versions)
- [ ] v5.4 (TiDB 5.4 versions)
- [ ] v5.3 (TiDB 5.3 versions)
- [ ] v5.2 (TiDB 5.2 versions)
- [ ] v5.1 (TiDB 5.1 versions)
- [ ] v5.0 (TiDB 5.0 versions)
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- [ ] Delete files
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- [ ] Need modification after applied to another branch
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- Icemap
- jackysp
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params update again, I'll delete those part descriptions. And refers to those two property files:
/cc @lastincisor PTAL
@Icemap: GitHub didn't allow me to request PR reviews from the following users: PTAL.
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In response to this:
/cc @lastincisor PTAL
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In response to a cherrypick label: new pull request created: #11756.
In response to a cherrypick label: new pull request created: #11757.
In response to a cherrypick label: new pull request created: #11758.
In response to a cherrypick label: new pull request created: #11759.