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[Request] Document customizing the class based views

Open morenoh149 opened this issue 4 years ago • 37 comments

The create view is described at

I would like to do some extra logic here. How can I customize the create view?

morenoh149 avatar May 29 '20 16:05 morenoh149

@morenoh149 you can always inherit from the model and override the functionality to be the one you prefer or optionally you can always use a proxy model. Something like this:

class MyCustomModel(Message):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True

    def new_message(...):
        # overrides here

tarsil avatar Jun 01 '20 16:06 tarsil

This seems to be a problem with the whole app, that you can easily customize the templates, but not the logic in the views.... :/

reedjones avatar Aug 06 '20 09:08 reedjones

@reedjones that is odd, have you tried to also inherit from the views? Is the same as overriding the models but using the super() to actually apply it. It would be easier if you could provide some examples :-)

tarsil avatar Aug 06 '20 09:08 tarsil

@tiagoarasilva yeah that might be my problem that I'm not really familiar with class based views. maybe in the documentation could add an example of how to customize the views? There is a reference on customizing the templates (which is easy) but there is no info on how to customize the logic in the views. For example I need to paginate the messages in the inbox views, I need to check if a user is blocked before sending a message, I need to check the content of a message if it has some banned content (like external links for example) before sending the message, etc.... Does anybody have some concrete examples of how to add custom logic to the views?

reedjones avatar Aug 06 '20 12:08 reedjones

@reedjones I think I can provide you a few examples of how to work with class-based views but bare in mind that I don't work for pinax :-). I'm just a software (python more specifically) engineer that is trying to help a fellow developer 😄

Ok, let's go by phases. Based on what you just said, I assume you work a lot with function-based views, like this:

def home(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # do something
    elif request.methods == 'POST':
        # another something

Is my assumption correct? Let's transform this into a class-based view

from django.views.generic import TemplateView # You also have FormView, CreateView, UpdateView, ListView ....

class HomeView(TemplateView):
    template_name= 'home.html' # location of yout HTML file in the same way as the render_template in the functions

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # Also a default inherited from every template view of django
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return super().get(request, *args, **kwargs)

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs)

This is a small example and is only used for explaining how we can achieve both function and class-based views 😄

Lets override using pinax-message specific views (example purposes)

Ok, using the example of the Django templates from pinax-messages (the Django Rest Framework is the same thing, actually, I've implemented DRF on top of pinax-messages, which means that I'm not even using the template system provided by them) and what you want to achieve:

"For example I need to paginate the messages in the inbox views, I need to check if a user is blocked before sending a message, I need to check the content of a message if it has some banned content (like external links for example) before sending the message, etc.... Does anybody have some concrete examples of how to add custom logic to the views?"

Let's try to demystify this and using an example where you can adapt and do for you own needs.

from django.views.generic import ListView # This is where the pagination magic will happen
from pinax.messages.views import InboxView
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
from pinax.messages.models import Thread

class MyInboxListView(LoginRequiredMixin, InboxView, ListView):
    We inherit from the mixin LoginRequiredMixin that does the same as the decorator login_required.
    Also, we would like to use the InboxView just for the sake of this example and inherit the context_data already there.
    In the end we apply that to a ListView to paginate
    template_name = 'inbox.html' # location of your inbox html page
    pagination_class = Paginator # OR NumberDetailPagination

    def get_queryset(self):
        # Django ListView by default needs you to implement a queryset in order to apply pagination properly
        # We are assuming you are using pinax-messages models, if not, you just need to apply to your models.
        return Thread.inbox(self.request.user)

This, in theory, return all the inbox messages for the logged in user and that inbox is a classmethod already implemented. Your template will have also:

 def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        if self.kwargs.get("deleted", None):
            threads = Thread.ordered(Thread.deleted(self.request.user))
            folder = "deleted"
            threads = Thread.ordered(Thread.inbox(self.request.user))
            folder = "inbox"

            "folder": folder,
            "threads": threads,
            "threads_unread": Thread.ordered(Thread.unread(self.request.user))
        return context

Automatically and the reason for it is because we are inheriting the context data but we can add more details to our view. How? Inside our MyInboxListView

def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
    We will be calling context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) because we want to get the inherited context data from
    inherited views + our own logic
    context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) # here is where your confusion is.
        'my_new_details_stuff': 'Value added on my MyInboxListView level view, only!'
    return context

Now, we want to send messages and run validations to understand if the user is blocked or not and all of that, so in your views:

from django.views.generic import ListView # This is where the pagination magic will happen
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from pinax.messages.views import InboxView, MessageCreateView
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
from pinax.messages.models import Thread
from django.contrib import messages
from django.http import PermissionDenied, HttpResponseRedirect

class MyInboxListView(LoginRequiredMixin, InboxView, ListView):

class SendMessageView(LoginRequired, MessageCreateView, TemplateView):
    Since we are inheriting from the MessageCreateView, we don't need to worry about that logic,
    We can just implement ours. We can override everything, GET, POST by applying specific logic on each
    HTTP verb or in general on the dispatch level
    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        if request.user.is_blocked: # OR WHATEVER LOGIC YOU HAVE IN YOUR USER
            message.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "You can't send messages")
            raise PermissionDenied()
        return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, "Message Sent")
        return HttpResponseRedirect('your reverse url')

This was very generic and I hope it helps you understand how to override and/or apply your own logic and still use pinax-messages resources. Personally, if I was pinax, I would put this also for django rest framework and it would be easier to work async but that is just me. I built my own.

Also, bare in mind that you can also use CreateView instead of TemplateView from Django, the difference is that with CreateView UpdateView they demand a form_class to be declared (your own or you can just reuse the pinax-messages one)

tarsil avatar Aug 06 '20 14:08 tarsil

@tiagoarasilva Thanks for the detailed reply! :)

So I guess by defining my own views with the same names, the url dispatcher will send to mine first? That's what wasn't clear to me, and honestly I still don't see how will django know to use my view, instead of the pinax SendMessageView for example... Anyway thanks again, this already helped a lot I guess I just have to get my head around classed based views....

reedjones avatar Aug 06 '20 14:08 reedjones

@reedjones by default it will always go to your view first since the URL that you defined is pointing to your view and not the pinax (not declared in your app by importing them). Then, your view inheriting from the rest, the validations go from bottom-up (like any normal inheritance class, function, or paradigm), so you absolutely got it.

"That's what wasn't clear to me, and honestly I still don't see how will django know to use my view, instead of the pinax"

Simple, you have 2 options.

  1. You use pinax URLs (which I don't even declare in my app) and Django will always go there.
  2. You use your own URLs with your OWN views and those views are inheriting from the pinax-views as per example. This way, Django only points to your custom URLs (since you don't even declare the URLs of pinax, at least I didn't but I was using DRF) and your custom views inheriting from pinax will have the same result as pinax-views declared + your desired custom logic 😄 .

Makes sense?

tarsil avatar Aug 06 '20 14:08 tarsil

@tiagoarasilva yes makes sense :) thank you.. I think I will go with your method of not using the pinax urls and just inheriting from the views... We should make a pull request with your example in the documentation I feel like would help some others as well... thanks again!

reedjones avatar Aug 06 '20 23:08 reedjones

@reedjones @tiagoarasilva Thank you for the assistance, Tiago. Even some of us who work with Pinax are overwhelmed at how to do things and explain at times. Now that a release is done, docs are a focus. Perhaps this info could be used, if you are ok with that.

KatherineMichel avatar Aug 06 '20 23:08 KatherineMichel

@KatherineMichel please by all means use what you need and want as long I could help. I would do it also for Django rest framework but that is a different example

tarsil avatar Aug 07 '20 07:08 tarsil

@KatherineMichel if you ever consider applying pinax-messages for DRF, please let me know since I have that already implemented as well 😄

tarsil avatar Aug 07 '20 10:08 tarsil

if welcome, we should add the explanation at to the documentation in the readme. OR better, add an example django app to the repo OR add a docs page (read the docs or github wiki).

@KatherineMichel what is your preference?

morenoh149 avatar Aug 07 '20 14:08 morenoh149

@morenoh149 I've tried to contribute to pinax here I can start doing it and also provide some DRF integrations if you all wish as well since DRF is widely used or just simply create a new pinax-messages-drf

tarsil avatar Aug 07 '20 14:08 tarsil

@tiagoarasilva @morenoh149 I would love to have a DRF example. We have had a lot of DRF interest recently. I think it would probably be best to put it in its own repo. We can link to it in the README and put a reference to it in the global docs. I will review your PR soon @tiagoarasilva. Thank you for submitting! I'm still thinking about what to do with the docs. If you ever have time @tiagoarasilva, would also love to pick your brain if you have any thoughts about how to approach Pinax onboarding for newcomers. I have a tutorial in process, but am sort of at an impasse about how to proceed.

KatherineMichel avatar Aug 17 '20 23:08 KatherineMichel

@KatherineMichel that is not a problem at all. I can just create a pinax-messages-drf and go from there, then you just need to fork it I would say? Regarding the documents and onboarding, of course I can make time to improve and help :-). You just need to tell me what is your plan, what you have and what you would like me to do. You can even PM me if you wish. Also, how would you like me to approach the DRF? I just build normally and pinax forks and changes or just references?

tarsil avatar Aug 18 '20 07:08 tarsil

@KatherineMichel I've created a quick but working and tested version using drf here if you want to have a look and if you are happy, we can have a chat to understand the needs. I didn't want to call pinax for obvious reasons but is heavily based on it of course :)

tarsil avatar Aug 18 '20 17:08 tarsil

imo, a drf example within this repo would be best. In my experience having examples outside of the project makes it more likely to go stale.

morenoh149 avatar Aug 18 '20 17:08 morenoh149

So @morenoh149 what would you like to do? I just tried to help anyway. I've implemented a DEF version on my local a few months ago. Also, by quick I mean, took time but it wasn't a full scalable platform, only the drf version for pinax. I'm happy todo whatever for instance, I'm happy to donate it to pinax

tarsil avatar Aug 18 '20 17:08 tarsil

@KatherineMichel needs to weigh in. Whether the example should be in a separate repo or inside this repo as another example.

morenoh149 avatar Aug 18 '20 19:08 morenoh149

I understand what you are saying, @morenoh149. We do have some projects that have gone stale, but a lot of the most popular ones are still maintained. The reason why I kind of want to keep it separate (for the time being, at least), is that one of the problems we've had in the past is that devs have done different things in different repos (there are dozens of Pinax apps), which I've been working to fix to make them easier to document. I don't think we have a project included in any other app repo. Once something like that is done in one repo, it makes the approach inconsistent across apps.

KatherineMichel avatar Aug 20 '20 00:08 KatherineMichel

So, the conclusion is to ignore and pinax will make a DRF example?

tarsil avatar Aug 20 '20 08:08 tarsil

@tiagoarasilva No, I think your version would be great to have. I think it would be better for it to be in its own repo right now, which is the original plan.

KatherineMichel avatar Aug 20 '20 17:08 KatherineMichel

Ok @KatherineMichel perfect then. I didn't add a lot of documentation but I mentioned that is based on pinax-messages so you can do as you wish. I hope I could help. I've added also some personal snippets that I've been doing for years regarding pagination, metaclasses and so on

tarsil avatar Aug 20 '20 17:08 tarsil

@tiagoarasilva tiagoarasilva

Thank you for your explanation. It helped me a lot. Can you give us some examples of model inheritance adding extra fields, modifying already existing fields in the Thread and Message models?

Thanks -SVB

svb0866 avatar Sep 22 '20 12:09 svb0866

@svb0866 I will try to provide some more examples if @KatherineMichel agrees as that takes me some more time and I'm currently on holiday but I will do my best. Is actually quite simple and I will try to do it as soon as possible but summarising, is pretty much overriding current definitions from the parents with the same names on the children classes where the children classes with the same attribute names can have different properties and definitions and when running the migrations, it will use yours instead of the current parent ones. Also, changing existing model fields on the current pinax models it would be possible if you change the source code or having your own version but that would make it not maintained by pinax but if you override in your inherited models the attributes you would have the same effect.

I'm not sure if I'm being clear.

tarsil avatar Sep 22 '20 12:09 tarsil

@svb0866 I will try to provide some more examples if @KatherineMichel agrees as that takes me some more time and I'm currently on holiday but I will do my best. Is actually quite simple and I will try to do it as soon as possible but summarising, is pretty much overriding current definitions from the parents with the same names on the children classes where the children classes with the same attribute names can have different properties and definitions and when running the migrations, it will use yours instead of the current parent ones.

Thanks, @tiagoarasilva ! Enjoy your holiday.

svb0866 avatar Sep 22 '20 12:09 svb0866

@svb0866 but thank you for your kind words, I just try to help as much as I can :-).

About what I said, even without examples at the moment, I hope it could give some clarity

tarsil avatar Sep 22 '20 13:09 tarsil

Hello, I am getting error: name 'dispatch' is not defined. Specifically I am trying to Inherit from MessageCreateView to run logic before and after a message is sent. The code is giving me dispatch is not defined when trying to return dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs).

class SendMessageView(LoginRequiredMixin, MessageCreateView, TemplateView):
    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        going_to = self.kwargs['user_id']
        other_user = User.objects.get(id=going_to)
        if request.user.profile not in other_user.profile.friends.all():  # OR WHATEVER LOGIC YOU HAVE IN YOUR USER
            return http.HttpResponseForbidden("Cannot message a non-friend.")
        return dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) #ERROR HAPPENS HERE

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return HttpResponseRedirect('#')

devinhadley avatar Sep 30 '20 23:09 devinhadley

@devinhadley I could spot your return. You should do return super().dispatch (request, *args, **kwargs) since you are inheriting from the views. Found in my example I missed that. Apologies.

tarsil avatar Sep 30 '20 23:09 tarsil

Thank you so much for your response! I actually did try this earlier and it did not work. But to be safe I copied your code and pasted it in and still got the error: 'SendMessageView' object has no attribute 'object'.

Edit: I fixed this placing this within the dispatch method: self.object = self.get_object()

Although now I am getting an error: SendMessageView is missing a QuerySet

This is peculiar as I wish to display a form with no intention of Querying for any models.

devinhadley avatar Oct 01 '20 03:10 devinhadley