st7789-python copied to clipboard
displayhatmini-python/examples/ crash in ST7789/ line 123
Platform: RPi400 OS: Raspberry Pi OS version bullseye (32bit) External devices attached: Pimoroni DisplayHatMini 2.0 on an Adafruit CyberDeck, connected to the 40-pin header of the RPi400. All relevant OS software and needed modules installed; checked.
/boot/config.txt lines:
lsmod result: "spi_bcm2835 24576 0"
After boot the backlight of the DisplayHatMini is lit and the LED to the right of the display shows green light.
~/pimoroni/displayhatmini-python/examples/ crashes in ST7789/ line 123 with [Error 2] FileNotFoundError (see attached screenshot),
After the python script crash the LED on the right of the display is off. The backlight is still on.
Googled for possible alike solved issues. Not found. Only one case also with FileNotFoundError in connection to spidev.SpiDev() but concerning other hw/sw using linux (just for info:
Entered a question on Pimoroni's discord channel #tech-support but no reply (yet).
That is why I come to bother you here.
Update: beside the above mentioned issue I now was able to successfully build the Pimoroni/displayhatmini-fbdev-dts/displayhatmini-overlay.dtbo; copy that file to /boot/overlays; do the necessary settings in /boot/config.txt; open F2 console; issue "FRAMEBUFFER=/dev/fb1 fbterm -r 0" and have the console redirected to the Displayhatmini 2.0 (see the image below) .
However I'm still stuck with that Python script crash detailed above
The Python scripts are intended to talk directly to the display and don't work in conjunction with the fbdev driver- which basically takes over the screen entirely.
You'd need to hack on which squirts its data out to the framebuffer device. Though probably not while also running fbterm since that would also vy for control of the screen.
Everything gets messy when you don't have GPU compositing handling all this stuff gracefully 😢
Hi Philip, thank you for your rapid reply. The addition about fbdev was only to indicate that I was progressing in getting things on the device. Reading your reply do I interprete well that - when I want to use the Python scripts - I have to comment-out the dtparam lines in /boot/config.txt b4 ?
Ijust commented out the lines (in /boot/config.txt): dtoverlay=spi0-1cs,cs0_pin=7,cs1_spidev=disabled dtoverlay=displayhatmini Then went to ~/pimoroni/displayhatmini-python/examples and ran ./ Now no crash; backlight on; LED on right side of display blinked once then went off. Black screen. Text in the terminal window: "pygame 1.9.6 Hello from the pygame community. Display HAT Mini: Pygame Demo" and after Ctrl+C "Exiting!..."
I am also getting an error where
disp = ST7789.ST7789( width=240, height=240, rotation=90, port=0, cs=ST7789.BG_SPI_CS_FRONT, dc=9, backlight=19, spi_speed_hz=80 * 1000 * 1000, offset_left=0, offset_top=0 )
results in a traceback to
'File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ST7789/", line 123, in init'
self._spi = spider.SpiDev(port, cs)
results in
'FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory'.
I am using a Pirate Audio Mol Speaker hat, which uses the 1.3" display. I am running the latest 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. The default username is not being used.
@E-man-dev Have you got SPI turned on in raspi-config
@helgibbons I double checked and SPI is turned on in raspi-config
A fresh OS image fixed the problem for me.
Thanks @helgibbons I had SPI turned off. $ sudo raspi-config 3. Interface Options I4 SPI Enable