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Any chance there will be CircuitPython libraries for these?
I'd love to add an IR receiver to my Unicorn project, but the IR decoding libraries I use are for CircuitPython (and there doesn't look like anything similar for MicroPython).
Does anyone have any ideas on where to start with porting this to CircuitPython?
Figuring out where to start is on my TODO list. I'm a fan of CircuitPython but we can't just bake our libraries in and ship our own version like we're doing with MicroPython. The various low-level drivers need merged upstream and then Python wrapped for them created in the same style (using Adafruit's CookieCutter template) as other CircuitPython libraries and PR'd into the Community Bundle - https://github.com/adafruit/CircuitPython_Community_Bundle
I am keen to get these libraries ported to CircuitPython as well, I've got Python & C/C++ knowledge... I can just about understand Make & CMake files and have had a cursory glance at how everything is built.
In terms of merging the low-level drivers upstream, what needs to happen there?
As for the CookieCutter stuff, I've had a look and that doesn't seem too complex.
Specifically we would need to (and this is very off the top of my head so it may be wrong/incomplete):
- [ ] Verify there is upstream support for the display parts we're using on Pico Display Pack and Pico Explorer Base
- [ ] For Pico Unicorn we would need to investigate what's involved with up-streaming the PIO driver required to make it work
- [ ] We have a loose working list of our Breakout Garden boards that might already be supported by CircuitPython drivers, and ones that need a driver. Our whole library of breakouts still needs testing and any compatibility fixes PR'd against the appropriate library.
The TODO list for breakouts exists in this Wiki - https://github.com/pimoroni/BreakoutGarden_CircuitPython/wiki/Breakout-TODO - which is now a little out-of-date.
Functionality such as buttons and general IO stuff found on Explorer can just be part of CircuitPython examples that show the idiomatic way to toggle or read a pin, plus some documentation detailing which pin is which.
I recently purchased a Pico Unicorn pack along with a Pico Audio pack. I noticed that the audio pack requires CircuitPython while the Pico Unicorn pack requires MicroPython.
Is there a way for both to work with the same library? I'm interested in creating a MIDI visualizer and was drawn to the Pico Piromoni pack. I love the concept of using it for prototyping, but it's unfortunate if all modules can't operate with the same version of Python. Perhaps I've missed something?
Thanks for your help
Is there a way for both to work with the same library?
Things have changed with audio on MicroPython recently, but I haven't had the time to catch up with it yet.
There are some I2S audio examples for MicroPython here that should, in theory, work with Pico Audio Pack - https://github.com/miketeachman/micropython-i2s-examples