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Typescript Typings

Open origin1tech opened this issue 8 years ago • 30 comments

Any chance of getting some @types/router typings published? Or are there any floating around that we can make official and publish.

origin1tech avatar Oct 14 '16 01:10 origin1tech

@types has no relation to this module, if you want someone in the community to type it you can ask at which is where @types is published from. You can also contribute them yourself. I'll leave this issue open to add a TypeScript definition to the router itself, but it sounds like you're after something else that doesn't exist (yet).

blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 01:10 blakeembrey

actually no I'm talking about the type definitions. However it would be appropriate to publish once done to @types for ease of install with Typescript 2.x. Sorry if I wasn't clear, but yes we'd need the defs first obviously :)

origin1tech avatar Oct 14 '16 01:10 origin1tech

@origin1tech I'm not sure if third parties even have the rights to publish under other user's namespaces, like the @types namespace. I think @blakeembrey has the right path forward, unless you can share some documentation on how we would be able to publish under that npm namespace?

I personally have never written typings before, so probably someone who knew how to write them would have to (I think @blakeembrey does).

dougwilson avatar Oct 14 '16 01:10 dougwilson

@origin1tech I do know what you're talking about. DefinitelyTyped is the location you should ask if you want something published to @types. The @types on NPM has zero relation to the module itself. I would hopefully know, I am a member of @DefinitelyTyped, wrote @types and @typings and helped TypeScript with the @types implementation 😄

blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 01:10 blakeembrey

@dougwilson We can't, and we wouldn't want to. Once someone has written a definition, we can add it to the module ourselves and publish to NPM directly (using typings in package.json like This makes it easier for TypeScript users as they can forgo the installation from @types altogether and it just works.

blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 01:10 blakeembrey

@blakeembrey I'm fully aware of point is simply that it would be nice to get defs for router and then publish an @types project for ease of install. I get that they are unrelated, however if the author creates the definitions it's helpful as there's less chance of things getting missed.

origin1tech avatar Oct 14 '16 01:10 origin1tech

@origin1tech You're missing the point. Please re-read my comments. If the goal is "ease of install" we would add them to this module, and not @types. That way, as a TypeScript user, you don't have to do anything to have it work - which is ease of install to me, compared to having to install an additional module. That's why I suggested keeping it open for that, and to ignore @types.

blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 01:10 blakeembrey

Maybe I'm missing something but Typescript is suggesting @types as the path for installing defs. I talk to some of those fellas on the regular pretty certain on that.


origin1tech avatar Oct 14 '16 01:10 origin1tech

@origin1tech that article has the following line:

Specifically, Blake Embrey, the maintainer and creator of Typings, has worked closely with us during this entire process and given us valuable feedback

And you are talking to Blake in this very thread :)

dougwilson avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 dougwilson

@origin1tech You're incorrect. That approach is relevant only for third-party typings (E.g. those from Typings/DefinitelyTyped). Modules themselves can publish their own type definitions, and that has been the preferred approach for first-party typings since TypeScript 1.5. Since you opened the issue on the module itself, I would assume the best approach is the easiest for you as a user.

blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 blakeembrey

@blakeembrey how does that work if you exclude "node_modules" in your tsconfig.json. How does it get imported unless you specify it in "typeRoots" manually?

origin1tech avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 origin1tech

@origin1tech You can read up on how exclude works in the TypeScript handbook, but it won't break that. exclude is there to ignore "entry-points" of the project. If something requires into node_modules or elsewhere, it'll still load those type definitions as required for type checking. It wouldn't be a very effective process if that didn't work 😄 If you want to test it out, give it a go on the module I linked above.

echo "import pathToRegexp = require('path-to-regexp')" > index.ts
npm install path-to-regexp
tsc index.ts

The process of looking up native typings is related to moduleResolution in TypeScript, so it needs to be using moduleResolution: node.

blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 blakeembrey

Here's a response by Daniel on the same article you posted.


blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 blakeembrey

If you've used Typings before, @types is basically doing the same resolution, filling that gap in tooling - just all natively within the NPM and TypeScript ecosystems now instead of having separate tools for it. You can also see in Typings that it has been the advice for authors since release (

blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 blakeembrey

@blakeembrey seen that before but was under the impression any external module, best practice would be @types.

testing it on some of own projects really quick...

origin1tech avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 origin1tech

But why? Imagine you have a native TypeScript project. It wouldn't make any sense to make the author's life more complicated. Just like here, if the author's are willing to have a .d.ts file, why not allow them to own it? Otherwise it ends up with relying on the community to make the needed changes, which just an extra barrier to entry. For example, in the past we've (Typings) merged native type definitions into dozens of JavaScript-native projects including moment and es6-promise (and path-to-regexp, I suppose!). Most of the time it just takes a PR 😄

blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 blakeembrey

@blakeembrey No I'm agreeing on that one...makes me wonder why bother with a separate registry at all. seems like best practice would be for someone to create defs then make a PR. I can't imagine many authors would be too opposed to that.

origin1tech avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 origin1tech

There are some. It's a maintenance hassle for authors that don't care about TypeScript support natively. Also, sometimes the author just doesn't have someone good at TypeScript. For Typings, I tried to alleviate this by offering support everywhere (see but it's still tricky because GitHub doesn't have org mentions. For example, recently I wanted to use Facebook's dataloader project and I was like, wow, someone already made the PR. But, unfortunately, that person didn't quite understand TypeScript themselves and the definition that has been published is incorrect. See my PR in This sort of thing happens pretty regularly when people start learning TypeScript but haven't learnt how to write or test a definition (E.g. how the different export types relate to JavaScript).

Edit: Not to conflate those two issues, but having the third-party location does make sense. It can also be helpful for "beta"/incomplete typings. For example, not all typings are finished right away - many can require many iterations to fix. Having to make many PRs to something else can increase friction. I can only imagine what'd it be like for me developing but under @rethinkdb without proper access myself. There's times where I make a dozen changes because it's a huge definition.

blakeembrey avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 blakeembrey

Right...yeah run into that a fair amount. Getting better but early on. Well in big projects it's worth it in our opinion. We you have so many working on a proj it saves a lot of headache just in refactoring alone. But ur right lots of odd defs with things exported multiple times missing overloads on methods lots of stuff see it all at this point.

...see quite a bit of this with Ionic not too long ago just as an example. TS is a bit of an afterthought I think for them

origin1tech avatar Oct 14 '16 02:10 origin1tech

Any update on this issue? Thanks!

franciscosucre avatar Dec 07 '18 13:12 franciscosucre

@franciscosucre You're certainly welcome to submit an initial PR and we can go from there 😄

blakeembrey avatar Dec 10 '18 00:12 blakeembrey

Hello @blakeembrey i am no typing expert. I would not know how to start this typings.

For anybody still looking for a solution, this allowed me to continue to work with typescript using the router. Microsoft has a type definition generator, it is not perfect but it allowed to me to continue to work.

npm install -g dts-gen
dts-gen.cmd -m router

I do not know if the generated typings could work out for the devs as a starting point @blakeembrey .

franciscosucre avatar Dec 14 '18 13:12 franciscosucre

¿How would i upload this type definitions? It is a single file and i would not know where to use place them in this proyect ¿ Can i upload them here in this issue or something?

franciscosucre avatar Dec 17 '18 14:12 franciscosucre

I've been looking into this, and I'm keen to get typings for this package. This is the most popular package I've ever seen without any typings!

The issue I see currently is:


function Router(options) {

  function router(req, res, next) {
    router.handle(req, res, next)

  // inherit from the correct prototype
  setPrototypeOf(router, this)
  return router

Router.prototype = function () {}

The docs then say to execute route matching using:

var router = Router()
var server = http.createServer(function onRequest(req, res) {
  router(req, res, finalhandler(req, res))

This overriding the prototype constructor doesn't appear possible with typescript definitions (although if someone knows I'd love to know how). It also seems weird and deviates from express-serve-static-core implementation.

If people are willing to drop this returned method and make a breaking change to a new version. This would be dropping the constructor prototype override and instead moving to the handle method. I can look into hand rolling the types and see if theres any more issues.

ilikejames avatar Jan 07 '19 23:01 ilikejames

It also seems weird and deviates from express-serve-static-core implementation.

I'm not sure what this is, can you elaborate?

If people are willing to drop this returned method and make a breaking change to a new version.

I'm not really interested in making such a breaking change if the only purpose is to support typescript. This module is written in javascript to be javascript and use the features that javascript makes available. If the desire was to restrict the code to only what is possible in typescript, the code would just have been written in typescript. Someone can always make a typescript friendly fork I assume, no?

dougwilson avatar Jan 07 '19 23:01 dougwilson

Someone can always make a typescript friendly fork I assume, no?

I am not sure why this would be necessary. Is the issues that TS typing cannot understand inheriting from a function? If so, then seems like an issue on their end. If I understand the issue correctly, could it not just pretend it is an object? I know it would ignore it's 'function'-ness in the documentation/autocomplete, but is that really an issue?

wesleytodd avatar Jan 08 '19 00:01 wesleytodd

One additional thought I had to add to the above: is it actually impossible to represent in typescript definitions, or are you just saying you're not sure how to represent it in the definitions?

dougwilson avatar Jan 08 '19 00:01 dougwilson

Apologies. I think it is possible. I've hacked together some of the api using the express-serve-static-core typings.

declare module 'router' {

 interface RequestHandler {
    (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction): any;
  interface IRouter {
    get: IRouterMatcher<this>;
    post: IRouterMatcher<this>;
    put: IRouterMatcher<this>;
    delete: IRouterMatcher<this>;
    patch: IRouterMatcher<this>;
    options: IRouterMatcher<this>;
    head: IRouterMatcher<this>;

    use: (path: PathParams, router: IRouter) => void;

    handle: RequestHandler

  interface RouterConstructor extends IRouter {
    new(): IRouter & RequestHandler;

  var Router: RouterConstructor;
  export default Router;

This would be without a breaking change.

Edit: This gives the following:

const router = new Router()
router.get('/whatever', (request: Request, response: Response) => undefined); 
router(request, response, finalErrorHandler); 

TODO: handle const router = Router() but I'm thinking its do-able. I'll continue working on it over the coming days but I see there is a lot of mutation of the request/response objects and I'm not sure how far you deviate from the express router in this regard.

ilikejames avatar Jan 08 '19 00:01 ilikejames

// router.d.ts
// Type definitions for router

declare module 'router' {
  import { NextFunction, NextHandleFunction } from 'connect'
  import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'

  export type Path = string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>

  export namespace Router {
    export interface RouteType {
      new (path: string): Route
      prototype: Route

    type Method = 'all' | 'head' | 'get' | 'post' | 'delete' | 'put' | 'patch' | 'options'

    export type Route = { readonly path: Path } & Record<Method, (middleware: NextHandleFunction, ...middlewares: NextHandleFunction[]) => Route>

    export interface Options {
      caseSensitive?: boolean
      strict?: boolean
      mergeParams?: <C extends {}, P extends {}>(currentParams: C, parentParams: P) => Record<string | number, any>

    export type ParamCallback<K = string | number> = (
      req: IncomingMessage,
      res: ServerResponse,
      next: NextFunction,
      value: any,
      name: K,
    ) => any

    interface InnerRouter extends NextHandleFunction {
      route(path: Path): Route
      param: <K extends string | number>(name: K, fn: ParamCallback<K>) => this

    export type Router = InnerRouter & Record<'use' | Method, {
      (path: Path, middleware: NextHandleFunction, ...middlewares: NextHandleFunction[]): Router
      (middleware: NextHandleFunction, ...middlewares: NextHandleFunction[]): Router

    interface RouterType {
      new (options?: Options): Router
      (options?: Options): Router
      Route: RouteType
      prototype: Router

  export type RouterType = Router.RouterType
  const Router: RouterType
  export default Router

tangye1234 avatar Jul 16 '21 07:07 tangye1234

any update on this? :(((

t-pk avatar Jan 15 '23 12:01 t-pk