lab1701 copied to clipboard
Course material for lab 1701 "Computer Networks"
Lab 1701 - Computer Networks
Department of Information and Electronic Engineering (IEE) - International Hellenic University (IHU)
In this repository you can find all material related to this hands-on lesson.
- Required tasks for students in each Unit 1-6.
- Supplementary helping material for each Unit 1-6.
- Setup instructions for software used in the lab.
- Pre-designed network models for Cisco Packet Tracer.
- Focus points on the theoretical part of 1701 lesson and the book "Δικτύωση Υπολογιστών - Προσέγγιση από Πάνω προς τα Κάτω" (Greek translation of the book from Κurose & Ross.
Online Documentation
Codes for Protocol Fields
Online Tools
Subnet Calculators
- To understand subnet masks
- To view all subnets
- To browse previous/next subnet
- For optimal subnetting