Petr Sedlacek
Petr Sedlacek
Hi, I managed to build debian packages for puseaudio-raop2-v2 on Ubuntu Utopic as follows: -- I downloaded the pulseaudio 5 source package from and extracted just the debian folder...
It would be nice if this worked. pulseaudio-raop2 module could use the "now playing" information that many media players broadcast. Although pulseaudio could be mixing multiple sound sources it's quite...
@hfujita Actually, my build wasn't looking under `src/.libs` either - I had to run it with `./src/pulseaudio -n -F src/ -p $(pwd)/src/.libs` Then it started to work. By the way,...
Thanks for filing this! I really need to dig into Rust to be able to help :)
I'd also like to know what the issues are and if you made any progress fixing them. I'd love to get a bunch of these assembled by JLCPCB. Thanks a...
@hsgw Would you be able to take a look if the PCB looks OK? I copied the USB-C schematic from the Discipline project, so that should be good. Thanks!
@hsgw Hey, I did include the schematic symbol in `pcb/plaid.lib` and the footprint in `pcb/plaid_silk.pretty/USB_C_GCT_USB4085.kicad_mod`. The source of these files is the [coseyfannitutti/discipline repo]( before the license was changed to...
I just opened an issue in the Discipline repo to find out what's the origin/license of the USB-C connector schematic symbol/footprint:
Pinged Bryan from CFTKB by e-mail and received the following response: > The USB4085-GF-A footprint that I use is a modified version of the one that was in ai03's USB...
I completely understand that. I wouldn't expect you to merge it just like that. I also want to ensure the PCB works correctly. I'm currently having PCBs made and will...