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Compiling errors
Hi @piiswrong,
I am having trouble to compile your caffe version. It seems that there some incompatibility with other libraries that it links to. Would please inform which version of the libraries you used? Like boost and opencv versions.
I use the last version of cudnn. I also can't build the author's caffe version. Why don't rewrite the code of author? And if you could run your code, could you please send it to me?
@hukangrong it took me a while to make it work, I didn't make any changes to the code. The OpenCV version that worked for me is 2.4.13 and boost is 1.54. I had to build everything from source, it was a pain. This is an old version of caffe, I don't think it even has support to cudnn.
@dougsouza Thank you. But when I buildt the author's caffe package, I got the error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot found -lcufft /usr/bin/ld: cannot found -lnpps /usr/bin/ld: cannot found -lnppi /usr/bin/ld: cannot found -lnppc /usr/bin/ld: cannot found -lcudart
Do you also have the error? If have, could you please tell me how to deal with it?
@hukangrong, I didn't have these issues. It seems that cuda stuff is missing, do you have cuda toolkit installed? In addition to have cuda toolkit installed, you also have to make sure cuda stuff is available in your path.
@dougsouza Thanks, but I could compile the office caffe package successfully.
Hi all, I have a problem building the author's caffe package as well. This is what I get: JPEGDataLayer.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost9iostreams18mapped_file_source4openINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEEvRKNS0_24basic_mapped_file_paramsIT_EE[_ZN5boost9iostreams18mapped_file_source4openINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEEvRKNS0_24basic_mapped_file_paramsIT_EE]+0x14b): undefined reference to `boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source::open_impl(boost::iostreams::basic_mapped_file_paramsboost::iostreams::detail::path const&)' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status tools/CMakeFiles/extract_features.bin.dir/build.make:132: recipe for target 'tools/extract_features' failed make[2]: *** [tools/extract_features] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4929: recipe for target 'tools/CMakeFiles/extract_features.bin.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [tools/CMakeFiles/extract_features.bin.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:127: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2
Above this error there are many other similar errors, all about "undefined reference to `boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source::". Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
@MihaiDogariu you don't need to do "make runtest" successfully. just ignore the error of "make runtest". and you also can run the authors' program.
@hukangrong Forgot to mention that those errors occurred when I ran only the "make" command from the
@MihaiDogariu maybe you do something worry before run "Make". when i compiled the caffe, this error only happened in "Make runtest" step.
@MihaiDogariu this caffe also couldn't be complied by cmake in my marchine. So you can just do "Make all", "Make test" and "Make runtest" in caffe directory.
Hi @hukangrong. Thank you for the info. I have tried now with "make" command, and after solving the issues related to the hdf5 header I was able to build the author's caffe version.