MetaprogAgda copied to clipboard
Update Lec1.agda and Exe1.agda
The current function endoFunctorVec
endoFunctorVec : ∀ {n} → EndoFunctor λ X → Vec X n
endoFunctorVec = applicativeEndoFunctor
generates the following error Error :
No instance of type Applicative (λ X → Vec X n) was found in scope.
when checking that the expression applicativeEndoFunctor has type
EndoFunctor (λ X → Vec X n)
and it was due to the fact the it was looking for a instance of Applicative
that satisfies the type Applicative (λ X → Vec X n)
which is applicativeVec
but since that is not specified by the instance
keyword this particular function fails to generate the instance of EndoFunctor
This PR fixes that.