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Statsd monitoring for goesproc
Would be useful to have some statsd output from goesproc similar to goesrecv for monitoring purposes. I'm currently monitoring goesrecv statsd using telegraf/influxdb/grafana to plot all receiver stats and be alerted at anomalies in drops/vit errors.
Currently there is no good way to monitor if goesproc stops working or has errors other than lack of image output or checking the console.
Any hints on how to setup telegraf to slup the stats from goesrecv ?
This should give you a A to Z guide: https://github.com/elafargue/rpi-tig The setup includes provisioning files for goestools
@bab5871 Can you suggest what stats would be useful? Since you can configure arbitrary handlers, I'm thinking the stats should be a bit more low level, perhaps to count the number of LRIT files per type.
It would be nice to get the number of files per type, and maybe the size of the files?
I'd say maybe how many files per type we're processing. I also would be interested in seeing the number of drops or whatever other error information it spits out from time to time. I'll take a look when I get home and see if there's anything else I can think of.
After starting RPI-TIG I get this message/ error. Running on Pi4 with goestools running any thoughts? @elafargue elafargue
Starting TIG stack in the background ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running?
If it's at a non-standard location, specify the URL with the DOCKER_HOST environment variable.
This should give you a A to Z guide: https://github.com/elafargue/rpi-tig The setup includes provisioning files for goestools
Is this assuming Docker is already installed on the pi?
Yes, you would have to install Docker first
I am seriously questioning my cognitive status... I had the goes server reporting to my telegraf/influx/grafana server for months so at some stage I apparently was capable to figure out how set up everything. For reasons I don't wanna elaborate, I lost my TIG server and I am in process of setting everything up again... but for some reason I can get the GOES server back into reporting ton telegraf (except my scripts reporting temperatures and image collection). I would appreciate any help getting goesproc back o reporting o my TIG. Thanks
goesrecv.conf |__ [monitor] statsd_address = "udp4://host:8125"
In case somebody else is drawing a blank...