Pieter Jan De Smedt
Pieter Jan De Smedt
This might work: ``` javascript { "bounds": [ 2.4747, 49.3054, 7.4625, 53.7568 ], "center": [ 4.3835, 50.8198, 8 ], "format": "png8", "interactivity": false, "minzoom": 0, "maxzoom": 18, "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137...
@bampakoa [This is a plunker](http://plnkr.co/edit/091qE073M0N6Dffi3kBZ?p=preview) based on [your plunker](http://plnkr.co/edit/8mnITf5GTrQh0DxLDwMw?p=info). I commented out these lines: ``` javascript vm.config = { flow: 'column', // disableToggle: 'true', // dividerSize: 0 }; ``` and...
But why? Shouldn't there be two-way data binding? How can another component know what the layout state is if a user toggles the panel using the divider buttons? Also: it...
I'm interested in custom buttons as well. I found [bootstrap-wysiwyg editor](http://mindmup.github.io/bootstrap-wysiwyg/) to have a very elegant and lightweight solution for custom buttons. Maybe angular-wysiwyg could support such a feature?
Value-based array operations are not supported yet in JSON patch. See this issue: https://github.com/json-patch/json-patch2/issues/18 You need to remove values in an array [based on index](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#appendix-A.4). An example target JSON document:...