moodle-tool_uploadcourse copied to clipboard
updating courses to have guest access
I have a couple of hundred courses that I would like to set to guest access mode. I have a csv with their IDs and use the web interface. I use the following settings:
Upload type -> Update existing courses only Existing course details -> override with file and defauls
Allow guest access -> Yes
The script runs, says that it has updated the courses, but they remain blocked to guests. Any ideas?
EDIT: you can get around this issue by setting the 'enrolmethod_1' to equal 'guest' in the csv files. The web interface does seem a little broken though
Thanks for the work-around. It worked for adding guest access. Is there a way to remove guest access?
EDIT: I figured this out. I need to use both the 'enrolmethod_1' and 'disable_1' field
example: category, fullname, shortname, enrolmethod_1, disable_1 Academic/Fall 2013-2014/Anthropology, Introduction to Anthropology, ANTHH103A01.F13, guest, 1